Strengthening Portobello Road consultation

Closes 13 Oct 2024


We heard the community wants to mitigate flooding. We will seek to minimise flood risk by introducing measures to absorb and slow water down under the pavement and using permeable surfaces. We will also carry on working with the community to find additional opportunities to mitigate flooding and support people affected by flooding.

We also heard that street traders and businesses need better infrastructure to support their work, such as power supply and lighting.

Click the button below to find out more about draft proposals for:

  • Reducing flooding
  • Lighting
  • Power supply

Click here to see draft proposals

Reducing flooding

We heard that community members want: 

  • Mitigate flooding and improve drainage​
  • Avoid making flooding worse with speed bumps or raised crossings​

We propose: 

  • Introduce flooding resilience under the pavement to reduce potential flooding impacts ​
  • Use permeable surfacing solutions to improve drainage​
  • Raised crossing designed with sloping to remove risk of flooding 


We heard that community members want: 

  • Improved lighting for better security, particularly in the winter 
  • Lamp posts in-keeping with the character and heritage of the market street 
  • Seasonal lighting to celebrate Christmas and other festivals 
  • Consistent lighting across Portobello Road 

We propose: 

  • Use lighting to improve security and celebrate special features of the market street​
  • Traditional style colourful lamp post to celebrate the character of colourful Portobello​
  • Able to support seasonal lights, decorations and banners​
  • Ensure lighting does not disturb flats on Portobello Road​

Power supply

We heard that community members want: 

  • All trading pitches to have access to electricity 
  • Modernise power supply to allow for sharing between different traders

We propose to: 

  • Replace all power bollards and underground power points, adding power where these are missing or removing where those are over provided​
  • Ensure universal access and pay as you go system​
  • Enable electric vehicle charging​
  • Colourful and unique bollards to celebrate the character of Portobello​
8. To what extent do you support or oppose the lamp post style that we are considering?
9. To what extent do you support or oppose the new power bollards that we are considering?
10. Do you have any comments about the approach to infrastructure improvements that we are considering?
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