Featured Consultations
Draft Budget 2025-26 Proposals
We need your views on the Council’s budget for the financial year 2025/26. We are asking for you to complete this consultation as it will help shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents, businesses, and communities. The Council’s draft budget report for 2025/26 includes key saving and growth revenue proposals, an update on the Council’s capital programme, and the Fees and Charges Schedule. This budget has been created to support...
Closes 10 January 2025
Hans Crescent Public Realm Scheme
Kensington and Chelsea Council is considering proposals to improve the public realm on Hans Crescent, with funding for the changes provided by local landowners, including Harrods, and from the Council, through a Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy contribution. This is an opportunity for an improved amazing space in our borough, with an improved pedestrian experience and a welcoming environment for everyone who lives, works, or visits Hans Crescent. Thousands of...
Closes 12 January 2025
Open Consultations
Clear Streets - Time Banded Commercial Waste Collections
Kensington and Chelsea Council is one of only two local authorities in London that boast an International Town Centre, ours being Knightsbridge. This is described as ‘A globally renowned retail and leisure destination, providing a broad range of high-order comparison and specialist shopping, integrated into environments of the highest architectural quality, and interspersed with internationally...
Closes 8 December 2024
Housing Management - Garage Licence Review
Housing management has over 300 garages on our housing estates which are leased to Council housing tenants, leaseholders, and residents in the borough. Those renting a garage have a licence agreement setting out their responsibilities and responsibilities of the Council. We are undertaking a review of garage licences in order to: ensure consistency in garage licences. ensure...
Closes 8 December 2024
Housing Management - Resident Involvement Pulse Survey
We welcome your input as the Council continues to evolve our approach to how we involve residents in housing-related matters. The results of this short survey will help us to plan future resident involvement activities and strategies for enhancing resident involvement in Kensington and Chelsea. We appreciate your participation and look forward to offering further opportunities for you to...
Closes 20 December 2024
Draft Budget 2025-26 Proposals
We need your views on the Council’s budget for the financial year 2025/26. We are asking for you to complete this consultation as it will help shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents, businesses, and communities. The Council’s draft budget report for 2025/26 includes key saving and growth revenue proposals, an update on the Council’s capital...
Closes 10 January 2025
Your Voice Survey 2024
The Youth Council launched in January 2020 following the Council’s Youth Review. One of the key findings outlined that “It’s really important that young people are listened to and have a meaningful role in shaping services that affect them”. Members of the Youth Council have shared that: “Our role is to provide representation for all young people in the...
Closes 12 January 2025
Closed Consultations
Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - Nuisance vehicles 2024
The consultation will consider whether there is a need to renew the Council’s existing Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) - Nuisance vehicles, for another three years. The 2021 public...
Consolidation of Pedestrian and Cycle Zones and School Streets
This consultation seeks views on the proposed consolidation of the existing pedestrian and cycle zones within the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea into a single Traffic Order, along with...
Revitalising Earl’s Court Road
Complete the Consultation feedback form to help shape the future of Earl’s Court Road. The Council has been working with community members to create a vision, objectives, and a collection of...
Revitalising Earl’s Court Road
Thank you for your interest in Earl’s Court, please follow the link below to read the Draft Local Action Plan and have your say.
Grenfell Nursery Road Safety Scheme
Notting Dale is one of just two neighbourhoods in London to be selected as part of the Mayor of London’s Future Neighbourhoods 2030 programme, aiming to deliver a range of environmental projects and...