Learning Disability Housing Care and Support Service- Carers Survey

Closed 14 Jul 2023

Opened 3 May 2023

Feedback updated 11 Oct 2023

We asked

Do the Bi-Borough learning disabilities supported living services prioritise person-centred care, promote independence, community inclusion and improve quality of life of service users and their families? 


We asked you to tell us your views and experience of these services to ensure that your views are heard, and your preferences are incorporated in our service design and implemented in our service delivery. The survey and engagement event questions were based on the following themes:  

  • Overall satisfaction level with the supported living services.
  • Housing environment and feeling safe in building and home.  
  • Person-centred care and co-production that promotes independence, skill development and community inclusion.  
  • Maintaining physical and mental health and wellbeing.  
  • Clear and accessible complaints procedure.  

You said

63 service users and family members responded to the survey and attended the engagement events, and we gathered valuable insight into the services. Most service users said they feel safe in their homes/buildings (19 respondents out of 24) and stated that their homes/buildings are clean and tidy (21 respondents out of 24). Service users also said that support staff help keep their home clean and tidy and receive person-centred care, which supports them in maintaining their independence, physical and mental health, and well-being.

During the engagement session with carers, it was found that most carers are satisfied with the supported living service’s homes/buildings. However, six carers said that they are ‘very dissatisfied’ or ‘dissatisfied’ with the service for assorted reasons, including noise pollution, delays in repairs, poor communication, and staff skills, and family members expressed concerns with the cleanliness and maintenance of properties. Professionals suggested using assistive technology to promote safety in the homes/buildings of the service users.

The service user survey shows that most respondents said they have a support plan (21 respondents). On the other hand, most service users who attended the engagement sessions said they do not know what is in their support plan and want it in an accessible format, such as verbal and visual communication and easy-read materials. Carers were satisfied with the support plans provided for their loved ones, though they mentioned some issues with communication among staff when it came to implementing the plans.

Professionals stated during the events that no official complaint pathway is followed, but complaints are raised informally. Careers also mentioned that they are not aware of the complaints process or procedure or have seen copies of policies. On the other hand, most service users who responded to the survey said it is easy to get help when support is bad (22 respondents out of 24).  

We did

Place further emphasis on promoting empowerment and focusing on each service users’ strengths and achievable targets and using person-centred support to ensure independence is maximised and risks are controlled. We will continue to improve our supported living offer by measuring the quality of outcomes, promoting good practice and empowering service users by engaging with service users, family members, advocacy services and related professionals. We will do this by working in partnership with service providers, health partners and community organisations to deliver tangible person-centred care that is co-produced and user lead. 

We will evaluate the property environment and support service providers to address concerns relating to property maintenance and repairs with landlords to ensure a safe, welcoming, comfortable, and homely environment.  

We will foster trust in our service users and their family members by demonstrating commitment to providing high-quality supported living services, through an ongoing process of improvement and collaboration with service users, family members, advocacy services, health and social care professionals and wider community services. 

We will review our future survey design to influence a higher response to survey questions and feedback engagement to ensure that we actively engage with service users and their families to build trust, explain the importance of their feedback, and show them how their feedback has led to improvements in service delivery. 

Our services are expected to use a person-centred approach to maximise the choice and decision-making ability of individuals they support in relation to their lifestyle, needs and wishes and co-production and partnership working is a key principle in all aspects of our service delivery. We will closely monitor services to ensure that these principles are being met and support plans are co-produced and made available in an accessible format for the service user 

We recognise the key role of family members in supporting service users to have as much independence as possible and understand that family members might also need support themselves in fulfilling this. 

Our services will demonstrate through their policies, procedures and practices their ability and commitment to:  

  • Treat service users as individuals and support their recovery through promoting their dignity, independence, and self-determination. 
  • Respond flexibly to changes in service user’s circumstances.  
  • Consult with service users and their family members and create opportunities for involving them in decision-making. 
  • Achieve a balanced approach to risk which gives service users control and the right to make mistakes without serious implications for their security and safety. 
  • Give fair access and ensure that the service meets the needs of black, and minority ethnic communities. 
  • Focus on assisting service users to realise their potential and aspirations. 
  • Reduce social isolation, promoting social inclusion and community integration, and. 
  • Work with service users to achieve realistic and achievable goals and outcomes. 

Results updated 20 Oct 2023



The City of Westminster and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Bi-Borough Adult Social Care are planning to re-design the Learning Disability  Service to better meet your family member's needs.

We would like to hear from you about your family member's experience of Supported Living Services so that we can include your views and suggestions in the re-design of the service.

Why your views matter

The survey results will be used to improve our Learning Disability Service.

Responses will be anonymised and analysed for our report on the service.

If you need help completing this survey or require it in an alternative format (e.g. paper copy or in an alternative language), please contact the Learning Disability Team by email at ASC.LD.HCS.Consultation@westminster.gov.uk


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