Your Voice Survey 2024

Closes 24 Nov 2024

Opened 7 Oct 2024


The Youth Council launched in January 2020 following the Council’s Youth Review. One of the key findings outlined that “It’s really important that young people are listened to and have a meaningful role in shaping services that affect them”.

Members of the Youth Council have shared that: “Our role is to provide representation for all young people in the community and to present recommendations and guidance on youth interests, views and issues to Council decision-makers.

We’re really appreciative of the opportunity to help make the borough a better place and look forward to representing young people’s voices".

To thank you for sharing your views, £500 worth of vouchers will be given away for those who complete the survey. You can enter the prize draw at the end of the consultation to win a £20 voucher at a shop of your choosing. Thanks for taking part!

The survey should take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

This survey is open to:

- Young People aged 11 to 19 who live or study in the borough.

- Young people aged up to 25 if you have a learning difficulty or disability, or are in care or a care leaver.

Why your views matter

The purpose of this survey is to provide a platform for young people to express their views and feelings on issues they are currently facing built around key themes: Education, Digital inclusion, Mental health and wellbeing, Environment and Air pollution, Community and services for young people. 

This survey has been developed by the RBKC Youth Council whose role in the community is to provide a link to the borough’s Mayor, Lead Members, decision-making bodies, policymakers and elected members on the needs and issues of young people across the borough.

Information received from responses of the survey will inform the Youth Council’s direction, plans, and cabinet areas projects. The results will also be shared with relevant council officers to inform their policy making and commissioning intentions. 

Recommendations will be fed back to participants and council leads. A 'You Said, We Did' exercise and full report will be published on our Youth Council page of the council website as well as the Consultation Hub.

Have your say now! 

If you have any enquiries or need to request the consultation in an alternative format (e.g. a printed copy or a copy translated into another language), please email or call 07875 878 859.

Give us your views


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