A new home for Grenfell Early Years

Closed 7 Aug 2020

Opened 10 Jul 2020

Feedback updated 30 Apr 2021

We asked

For your views on the proposal to permanently locate the nursery at the Ilys Booker Centre.

You said

  • Some residents had concerns about the proposals and would like to see wider estate benefits
  • Half of residents responding would like to see the drop-in service located close to the nursery

We did

  • Plans to locate the nursery at the Ilys Booker Centre are proceeding
  • Wider estate benefits have been agreed as part of the proposal
  • A further consultation is being carried out on the drop-in service

Results updated 30 Apr 2021



Grenfell Early Years Service is the provider of nursery and drop-in services formerly located at the base of Grenfell Tower and the Illys Booker Centre (Lower Clarendon Walk) respectively. The nursery provides childcare for local families who rely on this service so they can continue to work and/or study.
In the summer of 2019 consultation took place about the possibility of the nursery relocating permanently to the North Kensington Resource Centre. Responding to community concerns, and following feasibility studies of alternative sites, it is proposed that the nursery remains at the Illys Booker Centre.
This consultation closed on 7 August 2020.

Why your views matter

Proposals have been put together to upgrade and enhance the existing site both internally and externally.

We would welcome views from residents, and other stakeholders, on the proposals. 


  • Notting Dale


  • Children and Young People
  • Children’s Centres/Early Years
  • Planning
  • Consultations