Ashburn Place Priority Junctions

Closed 7 May 2023

Opened 27 Mar 2023

Feedback updated 21 Jul 2023

We asked

Whether the Council should convert the mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens, and Ashburn Place and Courtfield Road to priority junctions. The proposals also proposed replacing the current pedestrian islands on the western side of the junction of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens with a zebra crossing.

You said

In total, 48 responses were received.  Twenty-five (52%) respondents supported the proposals in full, 17 supported in part (35%), and 5 respondents objected to the proposals (11%). One person had no opinion. The consultation report is available below.

We did

Following consideration of all comments received, the Council is proceeding with detailed design and implementation of the proposed priority junction – with the design for Courtfield Road/Ashburn Place to include a new crossing facility. Proceeding with the proposals will be subject to the outcome of statutory traffic regulation orders.

Results updated 21 Jul 2023



Enabling more walking and cycling is one of the Council’s transport objectives. Making such trips safer and more convenient is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040.

We are consulting on converting the mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens, and Ashburn Place and Courtfield Road to priority junctions. The proposals also propose replacing the current pedestrian islands on the western side of the junction of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens with a zebra crossing.

The priority at the Ashburn Place/Harrington Gardens junction would be with Harrington Gardens (with traffic on Ashburn Place giving way). At the Ashburn Place/Courtfield Road junction, the priority would be with Ashburn Place (with traffic on Courtfield Road giving way).

Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey no later than 7 May 2023.

Why your views matter

We're interested in your views on our proposals to convert the mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Ashburn Place/Harrington Gardens and Ashburn Place/Courtfield Road to priority junctions. Your comments will help us decide whether to implement the proposals.

The mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Ashburn Place/Harrington Gardens and Ashburn Place/Courtfield Road have a history of collisions as set out below. As the junctions are also part of the Quietway cycle network, it is hoped that conversion of the mini-roundabouts to priority junctions, and traffic calming proposals such as raised tables and footway extensions, will help reduce collisions at these junctions.


Personal injury collisions over three-years

Ashburn Place/Harrington Gardens

Eight collisions resulting in two serious and six slight casualties

Ashburn Place/Courtfield Road

Six collisions resulting in six slight casualties

The full proposals include:

Ashburn Place/Harrington Gardens Junction

  • Conversion of the mini-roundabout at the junction of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens to a priority junction, with traffic on Ashburn Place giving way to traffic on Harrington Gardens.
  • Introduction of a zebra crossing on the western side of the junction of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens, replacing the existing pedestrian islands.
  • Introduction of a raised table across the junction, to slow vehicle speeds and improve safety. 
  • Removal of the southernmost two metres of residents' parking on both sides of Ashburn Place, north of the junction to facilitate the raised table.
  • Removal of the easternmost two metres of residents' parking on the north side of Harrington Gardens, west of the junction to facilitate the raised table.
  • Footway extensions on Harrington Gardens, to narrow the carriageway, reducing crossing distances for pedestrians and slowing vehicle speeds.
  • Removal of the pedestrian islands on the eastern side of the junction.

Ashburn Place/Courtfield Road Junction

  • Conversion of the mini-roundabout at the junction of Ashburn Place and Courtfield Road to a priority junction, with traffic on Courtfield Road giving way to traffic on Ashburn Place.
  • Introduction of a raised table across the junction, to slow vehicle speeds and improve safety. 
  • Relocation of the two electric vehicle charging point parking bays and single residents' parking bay (on the eastern side of Ashburn Place, north of the junction) 1.8 metres to the north, to facilitate the raised table. This will reduce the existing double yellow line by 1.8 metres. 
  • Removal of 3.8 metres of residents' parking on the eastern side of Ashburn Place (south of the junction) and 3.4 metres of residents' parking on the western side of Ashburn Place (south of the junction) to facilitate the raised table. 

The full proposals are available below:

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If you have any questions, or would like the survey in another language or format, please call 020 7361 3766, or email

What happens next

What happens next?

A full report of the results of the consultation will be presented to the Director for Transport and Regulatory Services, who will then make a decision on whether the proposed changes should be implemented.




  • Courtfield


  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Highways
  • Parking
  • Transport
  • Consultations