Clear Streets - Time Banded Commercial Waste Collections
Feedback updated 24 Mar 2025
We asked
The Council consulted residents and businesses on the implementation of time-banded waste collection and assessed its impact on businesses.
You said
Many respondents supported the initiative, citing cleaner streets, reduced waste pile-ups, and improved public hygiene. Some emphasised the positive impact on residents' quality of life and business environments.
While there is broad support for time-banding to improve street cleanliness, concerns remain around timing, enforcement, and impact on businesses. Effective communication, adjustments to collection slots, and proper enforcement will be key to the scheme’s success.
We did
The Council introduced time-banded waste collections for commercial waste on Tuesday, 11 March 2025. This system helps keep streets clear while ensuring businesses have regular and flexible collection times. Timed slots will be available 24/7 across nine town centres, with enforcement action for waste presented outside allocated times.
Results updated 24 Mar 2025
- Clear Streets - Time Banded Commercial Waste Collections .pdf, 299.8 KB (PDF document)
Kensington and Chelsea Council is one of only two local authorities in London that boast an International Town Centre, ours being Knightsbridge. This is described as ‘A globally renowned retail and leisure destination, providing a broad range of high-order comparison and specialist shopping, integrated into environments of the highest architectural quality, and interspersed with internationally recognised leisure, culture, heritage, and tourism destinations. These centres have excellent levels of public transport accessibility’.
In addition, Kensington and Chelsea Council has many other well renowned town centres such as the King’s Road, Kensington, Notting Hill and the Portobello and Golborne Markets. The borough attracts millions of visitors every year to enjoy our significant cultural offerings, world class retail outlets and our rich and diverse dining out culture and nighttime economy.
Due to the built nature of the borough, the overwhelming majority of businesses present their waste and recycling on the public highway in bags to await collection. The Council’s Commercial Waste Service provides collections for many businesses, and there are numerous other private waste collection companies that also service the businesses in Kensington and Chelsea.
There is currently no governance for when bags can be placed out for collection, and this can result in some high streets having bags present for large portions of the day. Due to high number of restaurants, cafes, and takeaways, this can also have a negative impact on the pavements due to leakages from the food waste contained within the bags.
Time banding will create specific timed windows where businesses can place their waste and recycling out for collection. These timed slots will be spread over a 24 hour period across the nine town centre locations included in the regulations. Placing waste and recycling on the public highway outside of these timed windows, would be an offence and result in the serving of a fixed penalty notice (FPN) on the business responsible. The proposed locations and timed windows for businesses to place out their bags are below.
Proposed locations where time banded waste collection will apply
It is proposed that commercial time banded waste collections will apply in the following locations:
- Brompton Road
- Earl’s Court Road
- Fulham Road
- Gloucester Road
- Kensington High Street
- King’s Road
- Ladbroke Grove (between Lancaster Road and Cambridge Gardens)
- Notting Hill Gate
- Sloane Street
Maps showing the proposed locations
Brompton Road
Earl's Court Road
Fulham Road
Gloucester Road
Kensington High Street
King's Road
Ladbroke Grove
Notting Hill Gate
Sloane Street
Proposed waste collection times
Table shows the proposed waste collection times which will apply seven days a week Monday to Sunday:
Location | Slot | Timings |
Brompton Road | Days | 07:00-08:00 |
Evenings | 17:00-18:00 | |
Nights | 22:30-23:30 | |
Earl's Court Road | Days | 06:00-07:00 |
Evenings | 17:00-18:00 | |
Nights | 21:00-22:00 | |
Nights | 00:30-01:30 | |
Fulham Road | Days | 07:00-08:00 |
Evenings | 16:00-17:00 | |
Nights | 21:00-22:00 | |
Nights | 00:00-01:00 | |
Gloucester Road | Days | 08:00-09:00 |
Evenings | 15:00-16:00 | |
Nights | 21:00-22:00 | |
Nights | 00:30-01:30 | |
Kensington High Street | Days | 06:00-07:00 |
Evenings | 17:00-18:00 | |
Nights | 21:00-22:00 | |
Nights | 00:30-01:30 | |
King's Road | Days | 09:00-10:00 |
Evenings | 17:00-18:00 | |
Nights | 21:00-22:00 | |
Nights | 00:00-01:00 | |
Ladbroke Grove (between Lancaster Road and Cambridge Gardens) |
Days | 06:00-07:00 |
Evenings | 16:00-17:00 | |
Nights | 23:00-00:00 | |
Notting Hill Gate | Days | 06:00-07:00 |
Evenings | 16:00-17:00 | |
Nights | 21:30-22:30 | |
Nights | 00:00-01:00 | |
Sloane Street | Days | 07:00-08:00 |
Evenings | 17:30-18:30 | |
Nights | 21:30-22:30 |
Time banded collections FAQs
Q1: What are time banded collections?
A1: Time banding means you’re only allowed to put out commercial recycling and rubbish bags at certain times of day. For example, there could be a morning window of 8am – 9am and an afternoon window of 4pm – 5pm. Waste and recycling bags should only be presented on the public highway during those specific time slots. Your commercial waste provider will collect your bags from the end of each time banding slot.
Q2: Why is time banding being implemented?
A2: The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea is one of the most densely populated boroughs in the UK. The borough also has a large number of businesses across a variety of town centres. Currently, waste in our town centres can be placed out for collection at any time during a 24 hour period. This can make our town centres look untidy and increases the risk of bags being split open and contributing to increased levels of litter. Time banding aims to improve the cleanliness and overall street environment by reducing the amount of time that waste bags are left on the street, making our town centres more attractive for everyone.
Q3: When will time banded collections be introduced?
A3: Our ambition is to launch time banded collections in early 2025.
Q4: How will time banded collections be implemented?
A4: The Council will use powers available to it under Section 47 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (as amended by sections 21 and 22 of the London Local Authorities Act 2007), to introduce time banded collections of waste and recycling from designated business premises in the borough. These regulations will set out how waste and recycling should be presented in the relevant town centre locations. This information will be available on the Council website, placed in two local newspaper publications and signage will be installed within each town centre affected by the regulations.
Q5: Where will the time banded regulations be applicable?
A5: Nine town centre locations will be subject to time banded waste collections. These are:
- Brompton Road
- Earl’s Court Road
- Fulham Road
- Gloucester Road
- Kensington High Street
- King’s Road
- Ladbroke Grove (between Lancaster Road and Cambridge Gardens)
- Notting Hill Gate
- Sloane Street
Further details of the specific time banded windows for each location can be found on this webpage as part of the consultation and are within the regulations document, again this features on this webpage.
Q6: What will happen if I put my waste or recycling on the public highway outside of the time banded windows?
A6: The regulations under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 provide the Council with powers to serve a statutory notice, whereupon failure to comply with its contents, can result in the serving of a fixed penalty notice (FPN) for any recycling or waste presented on the public footway outside of the designated times, where evidence can support the identification of an alleged offender breaching the regulations. The payment of a FPN discharges liability for the offence. Failure to pay the FPN or repeated offences, could result in prosecution.
Q7: What if a business can’t adhere to the time banded windows?
A7: The time banded windows provide a good amount of flexibility. Across the nine locations affected, the minimum number of available windows for presentation is three and some locations have four. If a business still can’t adhere to these windows, they will have to look into an alternative waste and recycling collection regime. This would require no bags to touch the street floor, with the collection provider removing the bags directly from the business premises, or the staff from the business taking the bags out directly to the collection vehicle when it is outside the business premises.
Q8: What happens if my collection provider fails to collect my commercial waste within the time banded window?
A8: If you notice that your waste hasn’t been collected after the time banded window, you should bring it back into your premises and immediately contact your collection provider. They may be held up and can let you know when they will be arriving and provide you with alternative options, such as using a later timed window or direct collection from within your premises.
Q9: I use a wheeled bin, not bags, how does time banding affect me?
A9: This scheme only applies to bagged, sacked and loose waste placed on the street for collection. If you use storage facilities to house wheeled bins or compactors you will not be affected by the changes and can continue with your method of waste collection as usual. Please note that bins are not permitted to be placed on the public highway. Your collection provider will remove the bins from the storage area and then return them once emptied.
Q10: My collection provider cannot make internal collections or collect within the time banded windows, what can I do?
A10: It is your responsibility to have waste and recycling collected and to comply with the regulations, so you will need to use a collection provider who can collect in accordance with the scheme.
Proposed Waste Receptacle Notice
Proposed Waste Receptacle Regulations 2024
Why your views matter
Your feedback will help us decide whether to implement the time banded waste collection and assess its impact on businesses.
If you need help completing this survey or require it in an alternative format (e.g. paper copy or in an alternative language), please contact Waste, Recycling and Environmental Contracts at
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