Dovehouse Green

Closed 24 Jul 2020

Opened 19 Jun 2020

Feedback updated 10 Mar 2021

We asked

The Council wanted to seek the views of local residents and users of the open space at Dovehouse Green on their proposed improvements such as new planting, paving repairs and street furniture improvements.

You said

A total of 69 responses were received, the majority from regular visitors to Dovehouse Green:

  • Overall Support: Over three quarters (78 per cent) of respondents were in favour of the overall improvements to the outdoor space.
  • Style of planter:  Views were almost evenly split between the three options of planters with 33 per cent selecting the planter with seating attached, 32 per cent the wooden planter and 29 per cent the steel planter.
  • Theme for western border: The most popular choice was wildlife chosen by over half of respondents (54 per cent), followed by plant collectors and explorers (26 per cent) and then food for all (12 per cent).
  • Theme for raised planters: The most popular choice was again wildlife (42 per cent) but this was more closely followed by plant collectors and explorers (33 per cent) and then food for all (17 per cent).

We did

The consultation results were used to inform the improvement works, currently awaiting Faculty approval as the land is owned by the church but hope to complete the works in the next 6 months.


Results updated 10 Mar 2021



The open space at Dovehouse Green will be improved this year with hard and soft landscaping improvements such as new planting, paving repairs, street furniture improvements and new interpretation boards. The land is owned by the church and was laid out by the Chelsea Society in 1977 so the fundamental design won’t change. The works will be funded by a Section 106 contribution from a neighbouring development.

Why your views matter

The Council wanted to seek the views of local residents and users of the open space on their proposed improvements.


  • Stanley


  • Environment
  • Parks
  • Consultations