Draycott Avenue - Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone (outside Marlborough Primary School)
Feedback updated 21 Jul 2022
We asked
We asked for views on the proposal to make permanent an experimental School Street pedestrian and cycle zone in Draycott Avenue on a permanent basis. From 19th April 2021, all motor vehicles were restricted from entering the closed area between 8.30am and 9.05am and between 3pm and 3.35pm Mondays to Fridays. On 1 November 2021, we amended the closure times to between 8.30am and 9.05am and between 3.15pm and 3.45pm Mondays to Fridays.
You said
We received seven objections to the proposal - six received before the scheme and one negative comment received during the post-implementation snapshot survey. Nine additional comments, seven supporting the proposal of the scheme during the consultation and two positive responses to the snapshot survey.
We did
We have made permanent the experimental traffic order to provide a School Street pedestrian and cycle zone in Draycott Avenue. All motor vehicles are restricted from entering the closed area between 8.30am and 9.05am and between 3.15pm and 3.45pm Mondays to Fridays.
Results updated 21 Jul 2022
- Malborough School Street - objections report, 240.6 KB (PDF document)
From 19 April 2021, motor vehicles will be banned from entering Draycott Avenue, between the north-western kerb-line of Rosemoor Street and a point five metres south-east of the south-eastern kerb-line of Denyer Street between 8.30am and 9.05am and between 3.00pm and 3.35pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only)
[Note: Foot scooters, electric scooters, emergency vehicles, Dial-a-ride buses and vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge are exempt from the closure. Residents and traders who live or work in the section of road referred to above will be able to register for an exemption.]
Why your views matter
We are inviting comments on how the closure in Draycott Avenue at drop-off and pick-up times is working in practice.
- Brompton & Hans Town
- Children and Young People
- Schools/Education
- Highways
- Transport
- Parking and Traffic Consultations
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