Draycott Avenue Proposed Improvements

Closed 17 Jun 2022

Opened 26 Apr 2022

Feedback updated 24 Nov 2022

We asked

We asked for your views on proposals to improve the northern end of Draycott Avenue (between its junctions with Walton Street and Ixworth Place).  The scheme would involve closing a section of the carriageway to through traffic to prioritise access for pedestrians and cyclists and to provide increased public amenities including street trees, lighting, and flexible space for events and markets. The key features of the proposed scheme were:

  • Closure of the northern section of Draycott Avenue to through traffic with access permitted only for refuse collection and for the emergency services, and with limited access for deliveries at certain times. Full access for pedestrians and cyclists would be maintained.
  • A continuous level footway and raised carriageway in natural stone paving at the junction of Draycott Avenue and Donne Place.
  • Improved crossing points to improve pedestrian access at Ixworth Place and Ives Street. 
  • Reduced vehicle parking, including the loss of three pay-by-phone bays and two residents’ bays. (This is additional to the two residents’ bays and two pay by phone bays suspended to accommodate outdoor dining as part of Covid-19 relief measures.)
  • New seating and cycle parking stands 
  • Additional street tree and mixed herbaceous planting to improve air quality and biodiversity 
  • Incorporation of sustainable drainage systems, where possible, to intercept stormwater runoff and to reduce any potential for flooding in periods of heavy rain. 
  • Spill out spaces for cafes and restaurants to cater for outdoor eating and drinking 
  • Space to accommodate periodic events and markets

You said

We received 55 completed questionnaires. Of these 85 per cent supported the scheme. Thirty questionnaires also included comments on various elements of the scheme and we also received three separate emails commenting on the proposals.

The majority of comments were offering general support for the scheme but there were some concerns about the possibility of increased congestion on Ixworth Place and increased pressure on parking. There were also two requests for a drinking fountain and a request for secure bike parking hangars.

We did

In response to the concerns the loss of parking spaces we have reviewed the proposals and have identified the potential to add an additional residents’ parking space by relocating the motorcycle parking bay. As a result, there will only be an overall loss of two residents’ parking spaces. Although we are unable to accommodate secure bike hangers, we have added a drinking fountain to the proposed scheme.

We will now be embarking on detailed design of the revised scheme and the legal agreements with Tribeca for funding the work and for ongoing maintenance of the planting, the street furniture and the drinking fountain. Subject to this being completed, we are aiming to start work in Summer 2023.



The Local Plan (2019) has included the northern section of Draycott Avenue as part of the Brompton Cross District Centre and we have identified an opportunity for this area to act as a focal point for the neighbourhood and local community.

We have therefore put together proposals to create a neighbourhood centre, to enhance the quality of the public realm, and to support commercial and everyday activities.

What are the proposals?

During the last few weeks, we have been developing a proposal to improve the northern end of Draycott Avenue (between its junctions with Walton Street and Ixworth Place) to create an attractive area for local residents, businesses and visitors. The scheme would involve closing a section of the carriageway to through traffic to prioritise access for pedestrians and cyclists and to provide increased public amenities including street trees, lighting, and flexible space for events and markets.

We have listened carefully to issues raised by local businesses and feel that we have a scheme that addresses their concerns and requirements. Before taking the proposals any further we would now like to hear if the local community would like us to implement the scheme.

The main features of the proposed scheme, illustrated in this booklet, are:

  • The northern section of Draycott Avenue will be closed to through traffic with access permitted only for refuse collection and for the emergency services. Full access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained and access will be permitted for deliveries at certain times.
  • A continuous level footway and raised carriageway in natural stone paving at the junction of Draycott Avenue and Donne Place.
  • Improved crossing points to improve pedestrian access at Ixworth Place and Ives Street.
  • Reduced vehicle parking, including the loss of three pay-by-phone bays and two residents’ bays. This excludes the suspended bays given over to outdoor dining as part of Covid-19 relief measures.
  • New seating and cycle parking stands
  • Additional street tree and mixed herbaceous planting to improve air quality and biodiversity
  • Incorporation of sustainable drainage systems, where possible, to intercept stormwater runoff and to reduce any potential for flooding in periods of heavy rain.
  • Spill out spaces for cafes and restaurants to cater for outdoor eating and drinking
  • Space to accommodate periodic events and markets

Your participation in this consultation is voluntary. Should you choose to respond, information about how your data will be processed can be found at the bottom of the questionnaire at the end of this booklet. 

This survey will run for a period of six weeks and will close on 9th June.

Information from this document can be made available in alternative formats and different languages upon request using the contact details in the 'Contact' section of this page.

What happens next

If the local community is in favour of the proposal, we will continue to develop the design and programme the works to start in Spring 2023. The scheme is likely to take approximately 20 weeks to complete but we will work with residents and businesses to minimise disturbance.


  • Brompton & Hans Town
  • Royal Hospital


  • Highways
  • Planning
  • Transport
  • Consultations