Environmental Action Plans

Closed 13 Feb 2022

Opened 16 Dec 2021


The subject of environmental sustainability has never been so important, and environmental matters have become increasingly high profile in recent years. Environmental sustainability is a top priority for the Council and we have set ourselves some very challenging targets in this area. Our new Green Plan sets the holistic vision for how the Council will become more environmentally sustainable and identifies five key priority areas: 

  • Achieving carbon neutrality and tackling climate change
  • Improving air quality
  • Tackling fuel poverty
  • Minimising waste
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity. 

Our previous joint Climate Change and Air Quality Action Plan, and our previous Biodiversity Action Plan, have all now reached their  conclusion. Through these previous plans we have delivered significant progress, but we now need to build on this and go further. We have set new targets and need new plans to help deliver them, so we are taking this opportunity to reimagine our overall approach and engage with local residents and stakeholders to help us design our new action plans. The subjects of Climate Change, Air Quality, and Biodiversity are each crucial in their own right, but also share some common links, so we are developing these new plans and consulting on them together. Please take the time to read the summaries of each action plan before responding to the survey:

When responding to this survey, you will be able to choose which action plans you answer questions on by answering a question at the beginning of each section. 

Drop-in Events

We’ll be hosting a series of drop-in events in January where residents can find out more about our environmental action plans on air quality, the climate emergency and biodiversity. The event details are as follows:

Tuesday 25 January, 5:30pm – 8pm.  St Luke’s Hall, St Luke’s Street, Chelsea SW3 3RP. 

Thursday 27 January, 5:30pm – 7:45pm.  The Curve, 10 Bard Rd, London W10 6TH.   

Saturday 29 January, 11:30am – 2pm.  Holland Park Ecology Centre, Holland Park Adventure Playground, Ilchester Place, London, W8 6LU.

These events will be held in a Covid-secure way and if national Covid guidance changes, we will move the events online.  

Online Events

These events are primarily for anyone who is unable to attend one of our in-person events or would like to have an additional opportunity to discuss more in-depth about the action plans.

Big Institutions/Businesses Online EventTuesday 1 February from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. Please follow the registration link to register your interest.

Residents/Community Online Event: Monday 7 February from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Please follow the registration link to register your interest.

Why your views matter

The information that you provide will help us shape our approach to these crucial subjects and help us to establish the best ways to work with residents and local stakeholders to successfully deliver significant action and beneficial change across the borough.  

For the purposes of this online survey the documents presented here for your consideration are summaries of the full draft action plan documents. These summaries cover all the key themes and high-level actions from the full draft action plans, which will be further developed through the course of this engagement process before final versions are released.   

Residents that do want to review and comment on the full versions of the draft action plans can request a copy directly by emailing environment@rbkc.gov.uk

Additionally, if you have any queries, require a paper copy of the survey or require assistance in other languages, please contact us by email environment@rbkc.gov.uk or by phone on  020 7361 3002


  • Drop-in event - St. Luke's Hall

    From 25 Jan 2022 at 17:30 to 25 Jan 2022 at 20:00

    Tuesday 25 January, 17:30 – 20:00.  St Luke’s Hall, St Luke’s Street, Chelsea SW3 3RP. 

  • Drop-in event - The Curve

    From 27 Jan 2022 at 17:30 to 27 Jan 2022 at 19:45

    Thurs 27 January, 17:30 – 19:45pm.  The Curve, 10 Bard Rd, London W10 6TH.   

  • Drop-in event - Holland Park Ecology Centre

    From 29 Jan 2022 at 11:30 to 29 Jan 2022 at 14:00

    Saturday 29 January, 11:30 to 14:00.  Holland Park Ecology Centre, Holland Park Adventure Playground, Ilchester Place, London, W8 6LU.

  • Online event - Big Institutions/Businesses

    From 1 Feb 2022 at 15:30 to 1 Feb 2022 at 17:00

    Monday 1 February from 3:30pm – 5:00pm

    To register access this link: https://cas5-0-urlprotect.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fus02web.zoom.us%2fmeeting%2fregister%2ftZ0tc%2dioqTIpHdbXRCsNJVBaISsftEu1613s&umid=a9d8ea0f-55a9-4e96-b4ff-1c15444331fe&auth=f23bd3b3794c7a5914053bd0a99b1b4837b89b14-b24482005b982fed84abdc45fc60e40100741847

  • Online event - Residents/Community

    From 7 Feb 2022 at 18:30 to 7 Feb 2022 at 20:30

    Monday 7th February from 6:30pm – 8:30pm

    To register access this link: https://cas5-0-urlprotect.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fus02web.zoom.us%2fmeeting%2fregister%2ftZ0tc%2dioqTIpHdbXRCsNJVBaISsftEu1613s&umid=a9d8ea0f-55a9-4e96-b4ff-1c15444331fe&auth=f23bd3b3794c7a5914053bd0a99b1b4837b89b14-b24482005b982fed84abdc45fc60e40100741847


  • All Areas


  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Environmental Health
  • Parks
  • Waste and Recycling/Street Cleaning
  • Consultations