Proposed Extension of the Edwardes Square, Scarsdale and Abingdon Conservation Area
The Council is undertaking a consultation on this draft supplementary planning document (SPD). This consultation document analyses the historic townscape qualities of the Edwardes Square, Scarsdale and Abingdon Conservation Area and proposes an extension of the existing conservation area to include mansion block buildings adjacent to the site and other buildings that contribute to the character and appearance of this existing conservation area.
This is a draft document and we want to hear your views on the content. To give your views, follow the link at the bottom of this page.
The consultation period is six-weeks from 20th January 2022 to 6th of March 2022.
If you have any queries, require a paper copy of the background information or require assistance in other languages, please contact the Planning Team using the contact details in the 'Contact' section of this page.
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