February 2025 Housing Parking Changes
This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within the Balfour of Burleigh, Henry Dickens Court and Portobello Court housing estates.
Why your views matter
We would like to know your views on the proposed parking amendments in the Balfour of Burleigh, Henry Dickens Court and Portobello Court housing estates to inform our decision-making process and ensure your views are considered.
More information on these proposals may be obtained by contacting trafficorders@rbkc.gov.uk or by phoning Nuala Reidy on 07739 317017 quoting reference “Housing/Feb 25 Misc”.
Anyone wishing to support or object to any of the proposals or make any other representations in respect of them, should send a statement in writing to that effect, and in the case of an objection, stating the grounds thereof to the Council to trafficorders@rbkc.gov.uk quoting reference “Housing/Feb 25 Misc” by 19th March 2025. All objections and comments will be reported to the Director of Transport and Regulatory Services and the Director will consult with Colville, Dalgarno and Notting Dale Ward Councillors and the Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm before deciding on whether or not to proceed with the proposed changes. We will advise you of the decision after the consultation is over and the decision has been taken by the Director.
- Colville
- Dalgarno
- Notting Dale
- Housing Management
- Highways
- Parking
- Transport
- Parking and Traffic Consultations
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