Kensington and Chelsea Future High Streets

Closed 30 Sep 2021

Opened 11 Aug 2021

Feedback updated 17 Dec 2021

We asked

For your views on high streets in the borough, to understand what you like about your local or favourite high street and what you would like to see improved.

You said

Feedback that has been given can be viewed on the dedicated site for this project.

We did

The project team is taking into account all feedback gathered to create a set of high-level principles for our high streets. These principles will inform a draft toolkit with practical ideas for each area.


High streets everywhere are changing but together we can ensure Kensington and Chelsea’s vibrant streets keep meeting the needs of our communities.

Think about your local or favourite high street.

  • What do you like about it?
  • What would you like to see improved?

Why your views matter

Your feedback will inform a set of high-level principles for our high streets that will form the baseline for toolkits with practical ideas for future improvements.

If you would like to speak to the project team, respond offline or request support in a different language, please email or call 020 7361 3012


  • All Areas


  • Communities
  • Community Engagement
  • Planning
  • Consultations