Hogarth Road - Road Humps

Closed 6 Jul 2022

Opened 15 Jun 2022

Feedback updated 31 Aug 2022

We asked

We asked for views on the construction of four “sinusoidal road humps” on Hogarth Road

You said

We had one objection to the proposal.  The details of the objection and the Council’s response to the objection can be found in the decision report attached.

We did

We have committed to the construction of four “sinusoidal road humps” on Hogarth Road, as originally advertised.

Results updated 31 Aug 2022



This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of four sinusoidal road humps on Hogarth Road:

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Why your views matter

Comments on the proposals are invited.

More information on the proposals can be obtained from and comments sent to trafficorders@rbkc.gov.uk before 6 July 2022.


  • Earl's Court


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