Holland Street - two-way cycling
Feedback updated 31 Oct 2022
We asked
We asked for views on the proposal for making an exemption for pedal cycles from the eastbound one-way system in Holland Street, between Campden Hill Road and Hornton Street. Pedal cycles would also be made exempt from the ‘no entry’ restriction in place in relation to that one-way system, at the junction of Holland Street and Hornton Street.
You said
We received 9 objections, three comments that support the proposal in part and had two supporters in full to this proposal. We also received 17 objections to all five proposals, 2 comments which supported all the five proposals in part and 54 supporters for all five proposals in full and 1 person expressing no opinion.
We did
We made the order exempting cycles from eastbound one-way system in Holland Street, between Campden Hill Road and Hornton Street. Pedal cycles will also be made exempt from the ‘no entry’ restriction in place in relation to that one-way system, at the junction of Holland Street and Hornton Street.
The Council proposes to exempt pedal cycles from the eastbound one-way system in Holland Street, between Campden Hill Road and Hornton Street. Pedal cycles would also be made exempt from the ‘no entry’ restriction in place in relation to that one-way system, at the junction of Holland Street and Hornton Street. Please see also the two-way cycling consultation page for further details.
Why your views matter
Comments on the proposals are invited.
More information on the proposals can be obtained from and comments sent to trafficorders@rbkc.gov.uk before 27 July 2022.
- Campden
- Highways
- Transport
- Parking and Traffic Consultations
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