Information, Advice and Guidance Services

Closed 30 Jul 2023

Opened 19 Jun 2023

Feedback updated 4 Oct 2023

We asked

The Council consulted residents and users of information, advice and guidance services to understand their experiences of using them.

You said

An online survey and in person discussion took place to gather views, a summary of findings can be seen below:

Experience of information, advice and guidance services

  • Around a half of survey respondents, using services, felt staff were helpful, the advice was of a high quality and had helped move their issue forward
  • However, almost half of survey respondents, using services, did not feel it was easy to get an appointment
  • Some residents attending the feedback event felt that the varied schedule of services across the borough made them hard to access
  • Some residents attending the in-person event also reported that it is very hard to get through to services on the telephone

Support and accessing support

  • Survey respondents felt the issues that they might need information, advice and guidance to address were: Housing, welfare benefits and social care.
  • The most commonly selected issues that survey respondents might need support with were advice on legal matters and medical or health support.
  • When asked about the frequency of support they might need, monthly support and quarterly support were most selected by survey respondents
  • Residents attending the feedback event would like to see private rooms introduced for appointments and walk ins
  • Residents attending the event called for regular caseworkers and the storage of personal documents, so residents do not have to explain their issue multiple times
  • The importance of understanding cultural and demographic needs in local areas was stressed at the in person event

We did

The feedback provided by residents has been used to inform the tender specification for the procurement of information, advice and guidance services for Kensington and Chelsea.

Results updated 4 Oct 2023



The Council wants to ensure that the provision of information, legal advice and guidance (IAG) is of a high quality, accurate and consistent and our residents can access it early and also easily. We would like to consult with residents about their experience of using IAG services in the borough.

Information, legal advice and guidance (IAG) services diagnose people’s problems and provide them with information, general and/or specialist advice and guidance on matters that is relevant to the person’s problem. IAG services also help people to identify and access welfare benefits and other entitlements so that they can maximise their income, reduce their debts and become more financially resilient and independent.

IAG services help people to identify what action(s) they can take and what the consequence of taking this action could be. Some IAG services also provide advocacy to people, this might involve representing a person and supporting a person to access justice through advocating on their behalf.

Why your views matter

We will use what we learn in the consultation process to improve how we purchase IAG provision for our residents in the future.

If you need help completing this survey or require it in an alternative format (e.g. paper copy or in an alternative language), please contact 


  • All Areas


  • Housing
  • Housing Needs/Homelessness
  • Benefits
  • Finance and Budgets
  • Communities
  • Community Engagement
  • Voluntary sector
  • Consultations