Kensington Park Road - one way

Closed 24 Apr 2024

Opened 13 Mar 2024

Feedback updated 27 Jun 2024

We asked

We asked for views on the proposals to remove the pedestrian and cycle zone in that part of Kensington Park Road that lies between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent and to provide a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent, with an accompanying 'compulsory right turn except cycles' from Kensington Park Mews into Kensington Park Road.

You said

We had no objections or letters of support for these proposals.

We did

We have made the traffic order removing the pedestrian and cycle zone in that part of Kensington Park Road that lies between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent and to introduce a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent, with an accompanying 'compulsory right turn except cycles' from Kensington Park Mews into Kensington Park Road.


This consultation seeks views on the proposal to remove the pedestrian and cycle zone in that part of Kensington Park Road that lies between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent and to provide a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent, with an accompanying ‘compulsory right turn except cycles’ from Kensington Park Mews into Kensington Park Road.

The Order is required to improve permeability of the road network, whilst maintaining a safe environment for pedestrians and pedal cycles, with the removal of a pedestrian and cycle zone and provision of a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent.

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Why your views matter

More information may be obtained by contacting or by phoning Caroline Dubarbier on 020 7361 3766 quoting reference “Kensington Park Road”.

Anyone wishing to support or object to this proposal or make any other representations in respect of it, should send a statement in writing to that effect, and in the case of an objection, stating the grounds thereof to the Council to quoting reference “Kensington Park Road” by 24 April 2024. The Director for Transport and Regulatory Services will consider all the comments received, in consultation with Colville Ward Councillors and the Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm, before deciding on whether to proceed.  We will advise you of the decision after the consultation is over and the decision has been taken by the Director.


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