Latimer Road - Design Code

Closed 23 May 2021

Opened 8 Apr 2021

Feedback updated 13 Apr 2022

We asked

We asked for feedback on the draft design guidance for future development within an industrial estate at units 1-14 Latimer Road for six weeks from 8th April 2021 to 23rd May 2021. In addition and prior to the formal consultation, the draft guidance was informed by an early engagement process that spanned from August 2020 to February 2021 and included five workshops with residents, amenity societies and landowners.

You said

We received over 50 comments to the formal consultation from a range of stakeholders. The main concerns were building heights, impacts on neighbouring amenity, noise and vibration, sunlight, daylight and privacy, servicing and the Transport for London’s (TfL) ‘Healthy Streets’ guidance.

We did

Building height

The comments relating to building height either made the case that the heights prescribed in the code were too tall and would not preserve the living conditions of neighbouring residents, or that they were not tall enough and would present challenges to the viability of schemes coming forward.

Our response to comments which considered that the prescribed heights in the code were too tall is that the guidance seeks to suggest a range of heights that relate to both the existing taller buildings to the south end of the street and the shorter residential properties in the middle section of the street. The code also introduces high level setbacks.

Our response to comments which considered that the prescribed heights were not tall enough noted that we have undertaken independent professional viability analysis. At a high level, the analysis indicates that the number of floors prescribed in the design code would be viable. The purpose of the viability report is not to give commercial advice to developers but to ensure that the general approach in the code would not stop development coming forward.

Impacts on neighbouring amenity

Our response to comments which considered that the guidance in the code would result in proposals with a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenity notes that the increased height would not be deemed harmful given the 18 metres distance to properties across the street and the high level setbacks. The code includes requirements meant to ease townscape fit and break up the elevational mass to avoid a continuous wall of development. The design code also prescribes three-metre gaps between units.

Noise and vibration

To address concerns around increased noise as a result of building works and the light industrial use of the units, we have added a new section to the code requiring compliance with noise and vibration standards. Any future proposals are also required to consider mitigation measures for noise reverberation from the railway line.

Sunlight, daylight and privacy

We have looked carefully (through site visits and digital modelling) at the potential local impacts of developing units 1-14 Latimer, especially on neighbouring properties on Latimer Road and to the west side on Eynham Road. The conclusion is that the design code does not prescribe development that will have an overbearing effect on neighbouring properties.

We also looked at what the privacy implications of new development might be, as privacy and overlooking would be a material consideration in the assessment of any planning application. The result is that new buildings following the design code guidance would have little to no impact on the sunlight, daylight and privacy to the properties on Eynham Road. Nevertheless, in response to concerns raised by local residents, we have added guidance on townscape views.

Servicing and Healthy Streets for London

We welcomed suggestions to align the design code with the ‘Healthy Streets for London’ guidance. Any new buildings will be required to consider impacts on the street. That may include accommodating setback service yards, service bays for motor vehicles, cycle freight and other sustainable methods of delivery, and cycle parking for long and short stay. Developers are advised to refer to the 'Healthy Streets for London' document for further guidance.

The Latimer Road Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted in October 2021. You can find out more and download the design code and supporting documents on the Planning Policy section of the Kensington and Chelsea Website.


The Council is undertaking a consultation on this draft supplementary planning document (SPD), which is a Design Code for Units 1 -14 Latimer Road. The draft SPD seeks to provide a set of design guidelines which give practical, robust and informed guidance to shape the future development of units 1-14 Latimer Road.

We want to hear from our communities, businesses, developers and other stakeholders about your views on the content of this document. Please use the form below to provide your comments.

The Council is consulting on the draft SPD for six weeks, from 08th April 2021 to 11:59PM on 23rd May 2021.

Hard copies can be made available, on request, for those who are digitally excluded. Translation can be arranged for those that don’t speak English as a first language. In either of the above cases, please email or call 020 7361 3012.


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