New Homes Delivery Programme - Latymer Community Church and Bramley Road New Homes Round Two

Closed 25 Aug 2022

Opened 4 Jul 2022

Feedback updated 18 Jan 2023

We asked

Over the past 18 months we have carried out two rounds of community consultation seeking the views of local residents on the plans for the Latymer Community Church and Bramley Road New Homes site.

You said

Residents' views have helped shape these plans.

We did

However ahead of the third and final exhibition, where the community would get to see the final plans, we are having to pause and review the scheme to look at how viable it is in the light of the economy.

Unfortunately increasing inflation and rising costs are a key factor for everyone involved in building new homes. We are still absolutely committed to building 600 new homes across the borough and most importantly half of which will be for social rent, but we are looking at the most cost-effective way to do this.

Results updated 18 Jan 2023



The Council is building 600 new homes in the borough including a minimum of 300 at social rent. This will be achieved without the loss of any existing homes.

There is an urgent need for social rent and key worker homes in the borough and our New Homes Delivery Programme will go some way to tackling our housing shortage.

Phase 1

Work has already started on the 97 homes that form part of Phase 1 of this programme. These sites comprise Kensal Road, Hewer Street, Acklam Road and St Helens.

Phase 2

We have recently successfully gained planning consent on two of our Phase 2 sites, Silchester and Barlby Road New Homes schemes.

Phase 3

The Latymer Community Church and Bramley Road new homes scheme will be the first of our Phase 3 schemes.

We are in discussions with Latymer Community Church about providing a brand new and improved community church on the existing site of the church on Bramley Road alongside new homes and community improvements.

The idea stemmed from the Latymer Community Church who is interested in providing an enhanced new facility on the site together with the Council.

Alongside proposals for a new church facility, it is intended that the slightly enlarged site provides other local benefits including homes for social rent and key workers, as well as a permanent Children’s ‘drop-in Stay and Play’ facility for local children.

Feedback from the first round of Consultation

The majority of the respondents to the first round survey supported the principles of re-providing the existing Latymer Community Church, inclusion of a drop-in stay and play provision and plans to provide new social housing on the site.  All these facilities have therefore been retained within the proposals.   

Why your views matter

Feedback you provide during the second round of engagement events and through the survey, will be used to develop potential design proposals for the site and new community facilities. You can provide feedback through the following survey.  You can also find further information about the proposed scheme at the Council’s Latymer webpage

If you are unable access the internet, attend one of the in-person events, or you require the consultation materials in another language, we can arrange for a hard copy of the presentation and survey to be sent to you by post. Please call 07739 317294 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm to arrange this.

For any other queries you can also contact us via email at


  • Notting Dale


  • Housing
  • Housing Regeneration and Development
  • Planning
  • Consultations