New Local Plan Review: Issues and Options

Closed 4 Oct 2021

Opened 26 Jul 2021


The Local Plan sets out the vision for future development in the borough over a 20 year period and includes the planning policies to help achieve this vision. It can do so by identifying locations that are suitable for good growth as well as for conservation and by setting clear guidelines for appropriate land uses, form and design of development. The aim is to achieve good accessible placemaking that protects and improves resident’s health and well-being, provides good quality homes, enhances the economy and environment. 

This phase of the consultation relates to the Issues and Options document, which is the second stage of drafting the New Local Plan Review. We are not required by regulations to produce this document at this time. We have chosen to do so as it gives residents and local businesses an opportunity to help shape the NLPR before any definite policies are written.

To find out more about this consultation, please visit the Planning Policy Consultations website page.


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