Notting Hill Gate draft action plan

Closed 23 Jun 2024

Opened 13 May 2024


Fill in this feedback form to help shape the future of Notting Hill Gate.

Council officers and community members have been working together to create a vision, objectives, and a list of viable interventions to improve the high street since late 2022.

The result is this draft action plan.

Please make sure you have read the document before responding to the consultation.

You have until 23 June 2024 to have your say.

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help to refine the draft action plan vision, objectives and proposed interventions. 

As the action plan will remain a live document, project ideas can still be submitted after this consultation closes.

The action plan is meant to keep evolving and will be regularly updated to reflect project delivery over the years.

We will share results from this consultation and how the feedback was considered in the autumn 2024.

If you need help completing this survey or require it in an alternative format (e.g. paper copy or in an alternative language), please contact the Growth and Delivery Team by email at or call 020 7361 3012.


  • Exhibition

    From 23 May 2024 at 16:30 to 23 May 2024 at 19:30

    Come along to see exhibition boards about the draft proposals and speak to the project team.

    There is no need to register in advance. Just turn up anytime between 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm.

    Where: Essex Church (Kensington Unitarians), 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, W8 4RT


  • Campden
  • Pembridge


  • Arts and Culture
  • Climate Change
  • Community Safety
  • Highways
  • Leisure
  • Parking
  • Planning
  • Transport
  • Consultations