Old Brompton Road Parallel Crossing

Closed 23 Apr 2023

Opened 13 Mar 2023

Feedback updated 21 Aug 2023

We asked

Whether a new parallel crossing should be implemented across Old Brompton Road (from Kempsford Gardens to Brompton Cemetery).

You said

In total, 79 responses were received to the consultation. Forty-Two (54%) respondents supported the proposals in full, 17 supported in part (22%), and 19 responses objected to the proposals (24%). However, three of the 19 objections appeared to be from the same individual as the same false email address was used across all three responses.  The full consultation report can be found below.

We did

The Council plans to proceed to detailed design and implementation of the proposed parallel crossing on Old Brompton Road, subject to statutory consultation.

Results updated 21 Jul 2023



Enabling more walking and cycling is one of the Council’s transport objectives. Making such trips safer and more convenient is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040.

We are consulting on providing a new parallel crossing from Kempsford Gardens, across Old Brompton Road, to Brompton Cemetery. Parallel crossings enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross a road safely, with the same level of priority as a zebra crossing gives a pedestrian. Parallel crossings look similar to zebra crossings but include a separate crossing area for cyclists beside the traditional zebra crossing area for pedestrians. To facilitate the crossing, the proposals also include a compulsory left turn for vehicles exiting Kempsford Gardens on to Old Brompton Road.

Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey no later than 23 April 2023.

Why your views matter

We're interested in your views on our proposals to introduce a new parallel crossing on Old Brompton Road. Your comments will help us decide whether to implement the proposals.

The proposals include:

  • Introduction of a parallel crossing at the southern end of Kempsford Gardens, crossing Old Brompton Road and connecting to Brompton Cemetery.
  • Introduction of a compulsory 'Left Turn Only' at the southern end of Kempsford Gardens - this means that vehicles leaving Kempsford Gardens would not be able to turn right.
  • Introduction of a large new pedestrian island at the southern end of Kempsford Gardens to facilitate the pedestrian crossing.
  • Relocation of the two Pay-by-Phone parking bays (12.45m) on the eastern side of the southernmost part of Kempsford Gardens to a new central reservation area (11m).
  • Removal of two residents' parking bays (10.2m) on the western side of the southernmost part of Kempsford Gardens to extend the existing cycle lane which would be protected from oncoming traffic by the new pedestrian island and pay-by-phone parking bays.
  • Introduction of a small splitter island at the northern end of the relocated pay-by-phone bays.
  • Removal of 1.5 residents' parking bays (8.4m) on the northern side of the service road outside Brompton Cemetery, to provide a section of shared-use footway at the southern end of the new parallel crossing.
  • Removal of one residents' parking bay (5m) on the southern side of the service road outside of Brompton Cemetery to provide a section of footway to help people to cross the service road.
  • Some changes to existing footway alignments to ease turning movements.

The full proposal is available below:

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If you have any questions, or would like the survey in another language or format, please call on 020 7361 3766, email cycling@rbkc.gov.uk.

What happens next

What happens next?

A full report of the results of the consultation will be presented to the Director for Transport and Regulatory Services, who will then make a decision on whether the proposed changes should be implemented. 




  • Earl's Court


  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Highways
  • Parking
  • Transport
  • Consultations