Parks, Landscape and Grounds Maintenance

Closed 28 Jun 2020

Opened 16 Mar 2020

Feedback updated 22 Mar 2021

We asked

The contract to maintain the Council's parks and open spaces came to an end on 31 March 2021. The Council wanted to consult with residents and park users on the current contract and service, and what changes they would like to see. The results of this consultation helped inform the specification of the new contract.

You said

  • Satisfaction with current provision:  The highest levels of satisfaction with the current service were with the grass cutting in parks and the maintenance of the planted areas. There was less satisfaction with litter picking and bin emptying and hedge cutting. The highest level of dissatisfaction was with the cleaning of toilets and changing rooms.
  • Park keepers and staffing arrangements: The most popular option for future staffing arrangements was option one which was one gardener per park with a consistent Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4.30pm shift pattern. Evening locking up, and weekend litter collection carried out by a mobile team.
  • Your priorities:  The most important aspect of the new contract for respondents were cleansing and waste management followed by wildlife/biodiversity and recycling and green credentials. The least important were sports facilities and volunteer programmes and events.

We did

The results of the consultation were shared with bidders for the new contract so that they could understand how you feel about the service and propose ways they believe they can make it better. In addition to this:

  • The preferred park keeper model was included in the tender as per the consultation results but the winning bidder offered us an enhanced model which we have accepted so residents are getting more than what was specified in the consultation.
  • Some of you asked for the ability to make online bookings for sports facilities. This will be a requirement in the new contract.
  • 30 per cent of respondents would like to be involved in volunteering/ helping to maintain the park. The new contract includes increased community engagement and volunteer programmes and we will contact interested respondents to help develop these programmes further.  
  • Concerns have been raised about cleanliness of public toilets and litter collection. These areas have been highlighted as high priority in the new specification with stricter monitoring and enforcement included in the new contract.

Residents’ priorities will help us determine topics for negotiation and for the management of the new contract to ensure it is focussed on park user needs.


Results updated 22 Mar 2021



The borough’s parks and open spaces are currently maintained under contract with Idverde UK. This contract comes to an end on Wednesday 31 March 2021 and we are currently reviewing what has and hasn’t worked and looking at what needs to happen next.

The current contract includes, among other things:

  • supply of park keepers, gardeners and cemeteries staff
  • opening and closing parks
  • providing and maintaining annual bedding
  • maintaining shrub beds and hedges
  • grass cutting and lawn maintenance
  • waste management in parks (litter collection, green waste)
  • inspection of playgrounds and park equipment
  • opening and cleaning public toilets in parks

The service has changed significantly since the current contract started in 2008 and this is a good opportunity for us to consider how the next contract needs to evolve to meet these changes.

Why your views matter

We want to seek the views of residents, park users and other interested stakeholders on the current contract and performance and what they would like to see in the new contract. A series of drop in meetings and an online survey have been developed to capture views.


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