Strengthening Portobello Road consultation

Closes 13 Oct 2024


We heard the community wants better signage and wayfinding, some greening, and limited seating.

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Signage and wayfinding

We heard that community members want: 

  • Better functional signage to facilities such as toilets and points of interest 
  • Signage to promote a welcoming environment such as ‘Welcome to Portobello Market’ or ‘Market Open’ rather than ‘Road Closed’ 
  • Signs to encourage footfall to the north end of the market and Golborne Market 

We propose: 

  • Signage that celebrates history and heritage and attracts visitors​
  • Welcoming signs at gateways such as Westbourne Grove​
  • More signage for market sections and points of interest without adding street clutter ​
  • Promote route to and from Golborne Market and north end of Portobello


 We heard that community members want: 

  • Greening that does not interfere with the functioning of the market 

We propose: 

  • Planting new trees where feasible at junctions and outside core market areas not to impact the movement of people or market operations ​
  • Introduce water fountains at junctions and designated seating areas


We heard that community members want: 

  • Limited seating areas where it will not restrict the flow of people or take up space on pavements 
  • Temporary and supervised seating that can be removed at the closing of trade to avoid pockets of antisocial behaviour

We propose: 

  • Managed seating areas off the market recognising that the flow of people is integral to market function​
  • Prioritise temporary seating​
  • Inviting social spaces for resting while discouraging antisocial behaviour​
11. To what extent do you support or oppose the approach to signage and wayfinding that we are considering?
12. To what extent do you support or oppose the approach to planting new trees without interfering with the market?
13. To what extent do you support or oppose the approach to seating in specific areas not to interfere with the functioning of the market?
14. Do you have any comments about the approach to experience that we are considering?
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