Proposed one-way in part of Bonchurch Rd and No Motor Vehicles restriction in Munro Mews from Bonchurch Rd

Closed 24 Mar 2021

Opened 10 Feb 2021

Feedback updated 2 Jun 2021

We asked

We asked for views on the proposal to make Bonchurch Road (between Portobello Road and Wornington Road) one-way except pedal cycles and to stop motor vehicles from entering Munro Mews from Bonchurch Road.

You said

We received no objections or comments to this proposal.

We did

We have implemented this proposal.

Results updated 3 Jun 2021



This consultation relates to a proposed one-way system in part of Bonchurch Road and associated ‘No Entry’ into Bonchurch Road from Wornington Road and No Motor Vehicles restriction in Munro Mews at its junction with Bonchurch Road.

The proposals would:

  • Provide a north-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Bonchurch Road, between Portobello Road and Wornington Road, with an accompanying ‘no entry’ restriction into Bonchurch Road from Wornington Road and
  • Prohibit motor vehicles from entering the length of Munro Mews that lies between a point five metres south-east of the south-eastern kerb-line of Bonchurch Road (being the south-eastern kerb-line of the part of Bonchurch Road that is situated north-east of Munro Mews) and a point six metres south-east of that kerb-line

Note: In the part of Munro Mews specified in the second bullet point above, access for Emergency vehicles and the Council’s waste collection and cleaning vehicles will still be maintained.

Why your views matter

We are inviting comments on the proposals, which can seen in detail on the Traffic Management Orders Website.

More information on the proposals can be obtained  from and comments sent to before 24 March 2021


  • Golborne


  • Highways
  • Transport
  • Parking and Traffic Consultations