Queens Gate Gardens - two-way cycling

Closed 27 Jul 2022

Opened 15 Jun 2022

Feedback updated 31 Oct 2022

We asked

We asked for views on the proposal for making an exemption for pedal cycles from the existing one-way traffic systems in Queen’s Gate Gardens: (1) the northern east to west arm, one-way westbound throughout its whole length; (2) the eastern south to north arm, one-way northbound between the southern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (northern east to west arm) and the northern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (southern west to east arm); and (3) the southern west to east arm, one-way eastbound throughout its whole length.  Pedal cycles would also be made exempt from the existing ‘no entry’ restrictions in place in relation to those one-way systems which prevent vehicles entering against the flow of traffic.

You said

We received six objections and one comment that supports the proposal in part. We also received 17 objections to all five proposals, 2 comments which supported all the five proposals in part and 54 supporters for all five proposals in full and 1 person expressing no opinion.

We did

We made the order exempting cycles from the existing one-way traffic systems in Queen’s Gate Gardens: (1) the northern east to west arm, one-way westbound throughout its whole length; (2) the eastern south to north arm, one-way northbound between the southern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (northern east to west arm) and the northern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (southern west to east arm); and (3) the southern west to east arm, one-way eastbound throughout its whole length.  Pedal cycles will also be made exempt from the existing ‘no entry’ restrictions in place in relation to those one-way systems which prevent vehicles entering against the flow of traffic.


The Council proposes to exempt exempt pedal cycles from the existing one-way traffic systems in Queen’s Gate Gardens:

(1) the northern east to west arm, one-way westbound throughout its whole length;  (2) the eastern south to north arm, one-way northbound between the southern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (northern east to west arm) and the northern kerb-line of Queen’s Gate Gardens (southern west to east arm); and (3) the southern west to east arm, one-way eastbound throughout its whole length. Pedal cycles would also be made exempt from the existing ‘no entry’ restrictions in place in relation to those one-way systems which prevent vehicles entering against the flow of traffic.  Please see also the two-way cycling consultation page for further details.

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Why your views matter

Comments on the proposals are invited.

More information on the proposals can be obtained from and comments sent to trafficorders@rbkc.gov.uk before 27 July 2022.


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