School Street - Holy Trinity C of E Primary

Closed 17 Jan 2021

Opened 23 Nov 2020

Results updated 27 Oct 2022

Please visit our dedicated webpage for the latest updates to our School Streets scheme.


A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable modes of travel and to keep their distance where Covid-19 guidelines require to do so. Residents living within the zone are still able to access the road with their vehicles at all times by applying for an exemption.

Why your views matter

We are asking what you think of our proposals regarding the introduction of a School Street trial outside Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, on Sedding Street.


  • Royal Hospital


  • Children and Young People
  • Schools/Education
  • Transport
  • Consultations