Thurloe Street - Pedestrian and Cycle Zone

Closed 27 Jul 2022

Opened 15 Jun 2022

Feedback updated 20 Sep 2022

We asked

We asked for views on the proposal for making the pedestrianised section of Thurloe Street, situated west of the eastern boundary of No. 25 Thurloe Street to a pedestrian and cycle zone. With the exception of access for loading which would be permitted between 7am and 10am on Mondays to Sundays inclusive, all motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering or being in the pedestrian and cycle zone.  This proposal to prohibit all traffic from the road, with the exception of cyclists, vehicles used by the emergency services and vehicles required for emergency work carried out by utility companies.

You said

We received one letter of support for this proposal.

We did

We introduced a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone in the pedestrianised section of Thurloe Street, with the exception for loading between 7am and 10am on all days.


The Council proposes to introduce a pedestrian and cycle zone in the section of Thurloe Street situated west of the eastern boundary of No. 25 Thurloe Street. With the exception of access for loading which would be permitted between 7am and 10am on Mondays to Sundays inclusive, all motor vehicles would be prohibited from entering or being in the pedestrian and cycle zone. Please note that vehicles used by the emergency services and vehicles required for emergency work carried out by utility companies would be exempt from this restriction.

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Why your views matter

Comments on the proposal is invited.

More information on the proposal can be obtained from and comments sent to before 27 July 2022.


  • Brompton & Hans Town


  • Parking
  • Transport
  • Parking and Traffic Consultations