The impacts of wildlife feeding
Our enforcement data shows that some residents are concerned about wildlife feeding, in particular pigeon feeding, in some locations in the borough namely:
- The pavement outside South Kensington Station
- The pavement outside Gloucester Road Station
- The area outside Holland Park at the junction with Kensington High Street
Maps showing the locations where concerns have been raised
What is the definition of wildlife feeding?
Wildlife feeding means providing food for undomesticated animals living in the wild e.g pigeons, foxes, rats, mice. This consultation does not relate to pets or protected species.
What are the concerns?
Some residents are concerned that wildlife feeding can impact the cleanliness and appearance of the borough. Pigeon droppings, along with discarded food, can attract rats and insects, creating hygiene issues. Pigeon droppings deface buildings and can cause slippery pavements. Pigeon droppings are corrosive and can damage buildings over time.
What is the purpose of the consultation?
The consultation will consider whether there is a need to introduce additional measures to manage a minority of people who choose to feed wildlife in those locations and other parts of the borough. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete.
We understand that for some of our residents feeding wildlife, including birds, is important to them. If additional measures are introduced, residents would still be able to do this in public locations not covered in this consultation.
Why your views matter
Gathering data on wildlife feeding in the borough will ensure the views of affected local communities are listened to. It will also support a robust evidence base for future interventions. Recommendations made will give the Council and the Police, the best opportunity to continue taking steps towards tackling this practice.
If you know someone who is unable to access the internet or needs consultation material in another format, please email or telephone 020 7361 3002
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