Youth Provision Review - Adults' survey

Closed 4 Jun 2023

Opened 11 Apr 2023

Feedback updated 11 Oct 2023

We asked

We asked parents, carers, youth professionals and workers for their views on the current Youth services' provision and what they would like the next services' commissioning to focus on.

You said

Respondents' views have been analysed and taken into account to inform the new round of commissioning.

We did

The new approved model will go live in April 2024 when the Youth services provision will expire.

Results updated 11 Oct 2023

Full report of both consultations on Youth services review attached.



The Council commissions a range of youth services across the borough for children and young people aged 11-19 (up to 25 with SEND). This means the Council funds local voluntary sector organisations to deliver high quality programmes and activities for young people. Examples of activities include sports, arts, crafts, culture, cooking and meditation. Our commissioned providers are Rugby Portobello Trust, Dalgarno Trust, Harrow Club, Al Manaar, Earl's Court Youth Club and London Sports Trust. Activities are also delivered from Lancaster and Chelsea hub.

The Council is undertaking a review of youth services as these arrangements are due to end in April 2024. Your feedback will help us to better understand the strengths of the current offer and opportunities to refresh it, including feedback on the services currently available to young people and what they would like to see in the future.

Why your views matter

Your views are important to us so we can commission services that consider the wider offer of youth provision within the borough, celebrate the diverse range of youth services available, and build on the priorities established through the Children and Young People’s Plan.

If you have any queries, require a paper copy of the response form or require assistance in other languages, please contact the Childrens Operations and Programmes Team by email at  


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