Housing Management - Rent Income and Arrears Policy
Our Rent Income and Arrears policy was recently reviewed and we have made some minor amendments to the original version which was published in October 2020. We would welcome your views on these changes and the policy in general.
The policy covers how we collect rent and service charges, how we work with residents to support them to prevent rental arrears and our approach if residents do fall behind on payments. The policy follows the Government’s Pre-Action Protocol for Possession Claims for Social Landlords.
The payment of rent is a key feature in tenants’ Tenancy Agreements. Collecting rent and housing income is vital to the Council’s ability to deliver housing services to its residents. Non-payment of rent affects our ability to provide high-quality services and can have a follow-on impact for residents.
We aim to support tenants to sustain their tenancies. We aim to support residents to maximise the benefits available to them and focus on preventing arrears and keeping tenants informed – helping them to prevent and minimise debt. We also aim to provide or signpost appropriate housing support services to vulnerable residents and liaise with other agencies about their particular care and support needs.
We would like to get your opinion on whether you feel the policy meets your needs and expectations.
Below is a summary of the main changes:
- Adding information about the war in Ukraine, increased energy prices and the cost of living crisis
- Amending “Welfare Advisors” to “Financial Inclusion Officers”
- Changing “Team Leaders” to “Managers”
- Changing “Assistant Director of Neighbourhood Management” to “Assistant Director of Resident Services” to reflect everybody’s change in job titles.
Why your views matter
Your feedback will help us understand your views on the proposed Rent Income and Arrears Policy.
If you require assistance in another language or a paper copy of the survey sent to you please email housingconsult@rbkc.gov.uk or call 0800 137 111.
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