Housing Management - Repairs Recharge Policy

Closed 9 Mar 2025

Opened 27 Jan 2025


Housing Management’s previous Repairs Recharge Policy was published in February 2020 and the Council is reviewing the policy to include some changes to the service. The policy aims to provide a fair and transparent framework in which the cost of work for which the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Housing Management Services is not responsible is paid by the appropriate person or organisation. This ensures that these expenses do not unnecessarily deplete resources that could otherwise be used to provide services to the broader tenant community.

Sometimes repairs are required due to damage or changes made to properties by tenants. If we need to rectify tenant damage or changes, we will “recharge” the tenant or leaseholder responsible. Repairs may also be needed due to the action of others (for example, police forced entries) and cases where we must correct poor work carried out by the tenant or their representative.

Why your views matter

Your feedback will help us understand your views on the proposed Repairs Recharge Policy.

Please note, if you or residents you know cannot access the survey online, paper copies are available at the following Customer Service Centres: Blantyre, Malton Road, Pembroke Road, Baseline and Kensington Town Hall. If you require assistance in another language or a paper copy of the survey sent to you please email housingconsult@rbkc.gov.uk or call 0800 137 111.


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