New Homes Delivery Programme - Silchester Arches Round 2

Closed 29 Apr 2021

Opened 18 Mar 2021

Feedback updated 16 Jun 2021

We asked

We consulted residents, local businesses and organisations about the proposals in our second round of consultation. We held two online chat sessions as well as an online survey to gather views.

A total of 51 surveys were received with 31 stakeholders attending the two live chat sessions. We would like to thank all residents and stakeholders that took the time to share their views.

You said

  • 24 objected to the principle of the scheme while 19 supported it. The main reason for objection was the height of the development and the impact on light of surrounding residents
  • Over half of respondents indicated five storeys was their preference
  • The majority (38) indicated they supported the retention of the tree on site
  • Attendees at the online chat sessions were clear in their support of social housing but not if the level proposed would negatively impact their existing surroundings

We did

In response to feedback from the previous rounds of consultation, the proposed scheme has been amended in a number of ways. We have now:

  •  Amended the design to a smaller building of six-storeys in height
  • Reduced the height and footprint of the building to minimise daylight/sunlight impacts
  • Ensured that all homes have access to a balcony or winter garden

Amended the landscaping scheme to:

  • Ensure that no bins or bike stores are located in the garden space
  • Ensure direct and safe access to the garden for residents
  • Retain the existing London Plane tree at the front of the site
  • Provide the wheelchair accessible home on the ground floor with its own front garden and rear patio.

Additionally, following concerns raised regarding the potential impact of incorporating access to ACAVA studios outdoor areas, we will be considering works to these areas separately to this application to enable further involvement with relevant parties.

We will now be holding two “You said, We did” resident engagement events to show residents how we have adapted the plans to take on board their feedback. The first will be an outdoor in-person event on Saturday 26 June from 10am to 12pm at Whitstable House car park, 21 Silchester Road, W10 6SH and the second an online chat session on Wednesday 30 June from 5.30pm to 7pm.

Following these events, we will finalise the scheme and submit a planning application. Residents will have a further opportunity to comment during the planning process.

Results updated 15 Jun 2021



The Council is delivering 600 new homes including a minimum of 300 social rent homes, alongside open market homes to rent and other community and employment facilities as part of its New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP).

All of these new homes will be developed on sites owned by the Council. We have also committed to building all the new homes without the loss of any existing homes.

We have consulted on the first four sites in Phase 1 of our NHDP and they have now received planning permission. These four sites – Acklam Road, 175-177 Kensal Road, 15-17 Hewer Street and 54 St Helens Gardens - aim to deliver 97 new homes and work will start on those sites this year.

Silchester Arches

The New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP) has identified a site by Silchester Road as a potential area to help deliver new homes for the borough. This site, currently called Silchester Arches, will form part of ‘phase 2’ of the New Homes Programme.

Why your views matter

Following the first round of consultation at the end of 2020, we have organised a further two online chat sessions to provide details on how we have incorporated your feedback into the designs for the site.

Thanks to everyone who shared their feedback in the first round of consultation which we have taken on board. You told us that you wanted a design proposal that respects the surrounding buildings in terms of height and scale. The quality of the design was important to you and another key issue was shared outdoor space for residents. We have also taken on board your comments about the importance of air quality given the location of the site.

This site will offer 100% homes for social rent which will help those residents on our housing waiting list. This is why we want to work with you on the plans to enable us build as many homes on this site as possible, to meet the need within the Borough.

We now want to understand your views on our emerging design proposals for the site. We have produced a new video presentation which gives you details of the latest proposals. We’d encourage you to watch the video before attending one of our online chat sessions this month (March) or completing the feedback form, however this is not essential. View the presentation on our website.

Please complete the feedback form by Thursday 29 April. If you are having difficulties accessing the material or require the information in another format (e.g. information in an alternative language) please email or phone 07739 317294 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Live chat sessions

There will be two online chat sessions via Zoom, where you can ask any questions regarding the latest proposals. These Zoom chat sessions will take place on:

  • Thursday 25 March, 5.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Saturday 27 March, 10.30am to 11.30am

Join the online chat session via this Zoom link


  • Notting Dale


  • Housing
  • Planning
  • Consultations