Draft Budget 2024-25: Fees and Charges Proposals

Closed 7 Jan 2024

Opened 7 Dec 2023

Feedback updated 9 Aug 2024

We asked

A consultation was carried out on Fees and Charges proposals from 7 December 2023 to 7 January 2024. Information was included on the Council’s website and was communicated through various channels, including newsletters to the general public, the voluntary sector, businesses and key partners, inviting them to contribute. 

We received five responses to the consultation and thank all residents who took the time to respond.

You said

All responses have been considered by the Lead Members in putting together the draft budget for 2024/25. A summary of the feedback received can be found in appendix 6 of the budget report.

We did

No changes to the draft Fees and Charges proposals have been made as result of this feedback, but all feedback will be considered for future financial planning. The Fees and Charges Schedule can be found in appendix 15 of the budget report.

Results updated 9 Aug 2024



We need your views on the Council’s budget which includes proposed fees and charges for the financial year 2024-25.

Residents, businesses, and communities are invited to share their feedback on the proposed fees and charges as part of the wider budget consultation for 2024-25 which will be taken to Full Council in February 2024 for approval.

Your feedback will help us shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents, businesses, and communities. 

What is the ‘fees and charges’ consultation

The fees and charges include services provided by the Council ranging from leisure to commercial waste services and highways to planning services amongst other chargeable services.

You can find a list of fees and charges table below categorised by each department and service area with proposed changes for 2024-25.

Why are we consulting

It is a statutory requirement for a Council to set a balanced budget, which requires all income generated from government grants, council tax, business rates and investments, alongside savings plans, to be equal to all expenditure by the Council. This ensures that the Council is operating in a sustainable and manageable way.

This budget has been created to support our Council Plan commitments, to create a Greener, Safer and Fairer borough for all residents to enjoy.

How to respond

Have your say on our draft fees and charges proposals to help ensure the Council delivers its Council Plan priorities and sets a balanced budget for 2024/25.

The fees and charges consultation opens from Thursday 7 December 2023 and ends on Sunday 7 January 2024.

Please view the schedule of draft fees and charges before responding to the survey.

A separate consultation on the Council’s revenue and capital proposals is already running alongside this consultation, this closes on Thursday 21 December 2023. This focuses on key saving and growth revenue proposals, and an update on the Council’s capital programme.

Why your views matter

We want to involve you in the budget decision making process and your feedback will help us shape the budget plan for the year ahead.

We would really appreciate if you can spend a few minutes to complete our consultation survey.

The fees and charges consultation ends on 7 January 2024.

If you need help to complete this survey, or need it in an alternative format please email Liam.McCusker@rbkc.gov.uk


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