Citizens' Panel - Service Standards
This survey is now closed. Our current Citizens' Panel survey is 'making the borough safer'.
We want contact with the Council to be easy, helpful, and friendly for residents. Our Customer Access Strategy outlines our commitment to you to achieve the best possible customer service.
A year ago we introduced our resident-led Service Standards on what you should expect from us. The Grenfell Inquiry report provides fresh impetus for the Council and its residents to refocus and refresh its Service Standards and embed them as part of lasting culture change within the organisation. In the future, treating people with care and compassion will be as important as changes to competence and improvement to services. Service Standards drive the ‘how we do it’ alongside the important question of ‘what we do’.
Why your views matter
It is important for us to hear your views as we strive to ensure all our services meet our Service Standards. We want to continue to involve our residents in ensuring we provide the best customer experience possible.
To thank you, and in recognition of your time, all those that complete a survey will be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win one of two £50 Amazon vouchers. We will also make a donation to charity for each completed survey.
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