Pedestrian and cycle zones in Cadogan Gardens (outside Holy Trinity CofE School) at school drop-off and pick-up times

Closed 11 Aug 2021

Opened 30 Jun 2021

Feedback updated 18 Aug 2021

We asked

We asked for views on how the ban on motor vehicles from entering the southern west to east arm of Cadogan Gardens (outside Holy Trinity C of E Primary School), between the eastern kerb-line of Cadogan Gardens (eastern north to south arm) and the western kerb-line of Pavilion Road, between 8.45am and 9.15am and between 3.00pm and 3.40pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, was working in practice.

You said

We had no objections and 23 support for the scheme in Cadogan Gardens for and no objections or other comments received for

We did

We have made this scheme permanent.

Results updated 18 Aug 2021



From 1 September 2021, the Council are looking to extend the experimental traffic order to ban motor vehicles entering the southern west to east arm of Cadogan Gardens, between the eastern kerb-line of Cadogan Gardens (eastern north to south arm) and the western kerb-line of Pavilion Road, between 8.45 am and 9.15 am and between 3.00 pm and 3.40 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, permanently.


  1. The pedestrian and cycle zone in the above location is the same as that of the previous experimental scheme, the same provisions are now being proposed as a permanent traffic Order. Any objections or other observations received by the Council in response to the aforementioned experimental scheme will be treated as though they relate to these latest proposals.
  2. Foot scooters, e-scooters, emergency vehicles, Dial-a-ride buses and vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge would be exempt from the closure. Residents and traders who live or work in the sections of road referred to above would be able to register for an exemption.
  3. The pedestrian and cycle zone would operate at the times stated above, although in practice it is anticipated that they would only operate during these hours in school term-time, when physical barriers are installed on street.

Why your views matter

Comments on whether the experimental pedestrian and cycle zone in Cadogan Gardens should be made permanent are invited.


  • Brompton & Hans Town
  • Royal Hospital
  • Stanley


  • Highways
  • Transport
  • Parking and Traffic Consultations