Egerton Crescent, Egerton Gardens and Egerton Terrace - Road Humps
This consultation seeks views on the proposed installation of a total of nine sinusoidal road humps in Egerton Crescent, Egerton Gardens and Egerton Terrace:
Why your views matter
These proposals were informally consulted on between 20th December 2021 and 13th February 2022, with 86 per cent of respondents supporting the change.
We are now carrying out the statutory process of notifying the public of our intention to install these road humps.
More information may be obtained by contacting or by phoning Allan Evans on 07816 991 973 quoting reference “Road Humps on Egerton Gardens, Terrace and Crescent (NCIL BHT13)”
Anyone wishing to support or object to the installation of these road humps or make any other representations in respect of them, should send a statement in writing to that effect, and in the case of an objection, stating the grounds thereof to the Council to quoting reference “Road Humps on Egerton Gardens, Terrace and Crescent (NCIL BHT13)” by 15 February 2023. All objections and comments will be reported to the Director of Transport and Regulatory Services and the Director will consult with the Lead Member for Planning, Place and the Environment before deciding on whether or not to proceed with installing these road humps. We will advise you of the decision after the consultation is over and the decision has been taken by the Director.
- Brompton & Hans Town
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