Citizens' Panel - Let's Talk K&C

Closed 3 Jan 2023

Opened 15 Nov 2022

Feedback updated 2 Mar 2023

We asked

Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. To achieve this, the Council Plan sets out the vision and priorities for the Council over a four-year period. As part of development for the new Council Plan for 2023-27, the Council embarked on a far-reaching community conversation with residents to hear from them about what they love about the borough, the issues and challenges they face and what they feel the Council’s priorities should be over the next four years.

The ‘Let’s Talk K&C’ initiative was launched at our first ever Citizens’ Panel event in September 2022 and included engagement events, staff conversations with residents at a number of venues across the borough, and a more formal consultation involving a survey of the Citizens’ Panel and a survey of residents more generally.

The main areas that emerged from the Let’s Talk K&C community conversation were used to develop a series of priorities under the following six themes:

  • Becoming the best Council in light of Grenfell
  • Being a caring Council
  • Fairer
  • Greener
  • A great place to live
  • Being careful with your money

These priorities were subject to a more formal consultation through a survey with the Citizens’ Panel and residents more generally.

You said

These are some of the key themes to have emerged from the Let’s Talk K&C engagement. Residents told us:

  • The availability of affordable housing and the maintenance of the existing housing stock needs to be addressed.
  • It needs to be easier for residents to access advice and support from the Council with excellent customer service. Residents need to be listened to and treated with dignity and respect.
  • Support needs to be provided to local independent businesses and our high streets need to be improved to help the local community thrive.
  • There needs to be increased opportunities and support for young people in the borough, as well as support for the more vulnerable and general cost of living support.
  • Continue to keep the borough safe with increased community safety presence and enforcement against antisocial behaviour.
  • Ensure the streets are kept clean and maintain the much-valued parks and green spaces in the borough to a high standard.

We did

The feedback from the community conversation with residents, as well as from service users, community groups, partners, businesses, members of the Youth Council and other stakeholders have been used to develop the Council Plan for 2023-27. Its key priorities include:

A greener Kensington and Chelsea

  • Clean air, clean streets, and greening
  • Parks and open spaces

A safer Kensington and Chelsea

  • Safe homes
  • Crime and community safety
  • Support and safeguard adults and children

A fairer Kensington and Chelsea

  • Housing
  • Advice and support
  • Celebrate, promote, and improve Kensington and Chelsea
  • Education, economy, and employment

Improving customer care and how the Council does things, runs as a theme throughout the plan and is a focus for its staff, so that whenever people speak to or meet someone from the Council that person feels supported and listened to.

The Council Plan was adopted at the full Council meeting on Wednesday 1st March. You can find the full Council Plan on our website.

The Council would like to thank all residents who took part in the Let’s Talk K&C community conversation, your feedback has been invaluable in developing the Council Plan and ensuring a greener, safer, and fairer Kensington and Chelsea.

To deliver the Plan we need to continue listening to and talking with residents, communities and our partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors, as we take on the challenge to become the best Council for a borough that is greener, safer, fairer.

Results updated 2 Mar 2023



Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here.

We know that becoming the best starts with listening. Residents have already shared ideas on what they think we should focus on and how we can use the learning from Grenfell to change for the better, including at the Citizens' Panel event in September.

We now drawing up plans for the future, which will be set out in our new Council Plan for 2023-27 to be published in March 2023. You can help us to continue the conversations we've already started by sharing your views in this survey. You can also contribute to the conversation in person by coming to one of our events at either Al Manaar or Chelsea Old Town Hall.

The questions in this survey will take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to answer.

If you have queries, require a paper copy of the survey or require assistance in other languages, please contact the Corporate Strategy Team by email at or by phone at 0207 361 3000.

This consultation sits alongside the Grenfell Legacy conversation about change at the Council which launched in August 2022. If you have questions about this, please contact or visit the dedicated website.



  • All Areas


  • Housing
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Children and Young People
  • Arts and Culture
  • Community Safety
  • Environment
  • Libraries
  • Parking
  • Parks
  • Waste and Recycling/Street Cleaning
  • Citizens' Panel