Hortensia Road and Fernshaw Road – Proposed one-way working for all traffic except cycles
Feedback updated 19 Feb 2025
We asked
We asked for views on the proposal to change Hortensia Road and Fernshaw Road from two-way working to one-way for all traffic (except cycles).
You said
For Hortensia Road we received 59 objections, 29 responses in support and six responses supporting these proposals in part.
For Fernshaw Road we received 78 objections, 29 responses in support, two response supporting these proposals in part and one comment.
We did
For Hortensia Road, the majority of responses received (63 percent) were in opposition to the one-way proposals on Hortensia Road. In the absence of any overriding policy or highway network need to proceed with the proposals, and having consulted ward councillors, the Director of Highways and Regulatory Servies has decided not to proceed with the scheme.
For Fernshaw Road, the majority of responses received (71 percent) were in opposition to the one-way proposals on Fernshaw Road. In the absence of any overriding policy or highway network need to proceed with the proposals, and having consulted ward councillors, the Director of Highways and Regulatory Servies has decided not to proceed with the scheme.
Results updated 21 Feb 2025
- Hortensia Road Decision Report, 190.0 KB (PDF document)
- Fernshaw Road Decision Report, 219.9 KB (PDF document)
Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey below, no later than Wednesday 30 October 2024.
Following requests from local residents to change Hortensia Road and Fernshaw Road from two-way working for traffic to one-way working, the Council is now seeking views on the proposals.
Both roads have car parking on both sides and some residents have complained that the roads are too narrow for two-way traffic and that their vehicles have been damaged by passing vehicles.
When we change roads to one-way, we try to ensure that we do not make it harder to travel around the borough using sustainable modes of transport, so we will still allow people to cycle in both directions on Hortensia Road and Fernshaw Road.
Hortensia Road One-Way Proposal
We are planning to make the entire length of Hortensia Road one-way southbound, between Fulham Road and King’s Road, for all traffic, except pedal cycles. Hortensia Road is already restricted to southbound traffic only when Fulham Road is closed during matchdays and other major events at Stamford Bridge.
Fernshaw Road One-Way Proposals
Fernshaw Road is proposed to become one-way northbound along its entire length, for all traffic except pedal cycles.
Alternative Routes for Drivers
For drivers travelling north, Gunter Grove is the most obvious alternative local route, but Fernshaw Road would also be an option. For drivers travelling south, Edith Grove is the most likely alternative local route, but Hortensia Road would also be an option. This will allow for some resilience in the road network as there would be two northbound routes and two southbound routes in the area. If Fernshaw Road were to become one-way southbound, the only northbound road in the vicinity would be Gunter Drive, which would cause problems in the future, especially if Gunter Grove is closed for maintenance or in emergencies.
The sections of one-way operation can be seen in the plan linked below, as well as the Notice of Proposal for the two traffic orders.
Why your views matter
We are keen to hear your views on this proposal, so this is the chance for you to have your say.
If you would like to support or object to these proposals, or make any other comments about them, please complete the short survey by Wednesday 30 October 2024.
The Council’s Director for Highways and Regulatory Services will consider all the comments received, in consultation with Stanley ward councillors and the Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm, before deciding on whether to proceed.
If you would like the survey in another language or format, please email traffic@rbkc.gov.uk
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