13 results
Citizens' Panel - Service Standards
We want contact with the Council to be easy, helpful, and friendly for residents. Our Customer Access Strategy outlines our commitment to you to achieve the best possible customer service. A year ago we introduced our resident-led Service Standards on what you should expect from us. The Grenfell Inquiry report provides fresh impetus for the Council and its residents to refocus and refresh its Service Standards and embed them as part of lasting culture change... MoreClosed 30 December 2024 -
Citizens' Panel - A Fairer Kensington and Chelsea
A Fairer Kensington and Chelsea: An Action Plan to tackle Inequality, celebrate Diversity and promote Inclusion Our Council Plan sets out a clear ambition to be a fairer borough for our residents. We are developing a new Fairer Action Plan to support us in meeting this goal. The draft actions and priorities are shaped by what we have heard from residents over the past year. We are asking for your feedback to check we are focused on the right areas and to test... MoreClosed 29 September 2024 -
Citizens' Panel - Making the borough safer 2024
You have consistently told us that community safety is one of your top priorities and we have sought your views on making the borough safer since 2021. We are doing so again to continue to build up evidence over time about your experiences of crime and antisocial behaviour. This is vital in measuring progress against the current Community Safety Plan and action plans and for the strategic planning of the Community Safety Team . Your feedback is also vital in informing the team's work... MoreClosed 18 March 2024 -
Making the borough fairer - Citizens' Panel event
Through our engagement with residents you have told us that you want the Borough to be fairer and this is one of the our commitments in our new Council Plan. B ut what does being fairer look like to you? How can we ensure we listen to all residents and treat everyone fairly and equally? How should we tackle discrimination and ensure our services are accessible and benefit all our residents, especially those who need them most? Share your views on this and help us get this... MoreClosed 9 October 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Supporting emotional health and wellbeing in the borough
Mental health and wellbeing refers to our state of thinking, feeling and behaving which affects our ability to cope with life, build and maintain relationships, make decisions, and contribute to our communities. Anyone can be affected by mental health problems. Approximately 1 in 4 adults will experience a mental health problem someday such as anxiety and depression. When you get help, the right advice and support information, you are more likely to fully recover and learn to... MoreClosed 14 August 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Making the borough safer
You have consistently told us that community safety is one of your top priorities and making the borough safer again emerged as a key theme from the recent Let's Talk K&C consultation used to develop the Council Plan. We previously sought your views to inform the current Community Safety Plan and action plans. We now want to seek your views again to monitor progress and to see if there has been any shift in your attitudes and experiences. This will build on the benchmarks set in the... MoreClosed 12 April 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Improving our streets: Travel options for Kensington High Street and beyond
In 2021 the Council commissioned a report from the Centre for London (CfL) to investigate the changing way residents and visitors get around the borough as the Covid pandemic receded. The Council also sought suggestions about how our streets and places could be adapted to improve walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The report also had a particular focus on Kensington High Street as a primary east-west corridor linking Kensington and Chelsea to other boroughs. ... MoreClosed 17 February 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Let's Talk K&C
Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. We know that becoming the best starts with listening. Residents have already shared ideas on what they think we should focus on and how we can use the learning from Grenfell to change for the better, including at the Citizens' Panel event in September. We now drawing up plans for the future, which will be... MoreClosed 3 January 2023 -
Citizens' Panel event - Let's talk K&C - September 2022
Our first ever Citizens' Panel event was held in September 2022. This launched the Let's Talk K&C conversation around what the Council's priorities should be over the coming years. Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. Panel members feedback from the event and the Panel survey will help inform the new Council Plan. A big thank you to the 70... MoreClosed 22 November 2022 -
Citizens' Panel: Supporting children and young people in the borough
It is a key priority for Kensington and Chelsea's Children's Services to ensure that more local people are shaping the services we provide. We are developing our three-year Children and Young People's Plan and we would like to hear from you about how you think we can better support children and young people in the borough. MoreClosed 7 June 2022 -
Citizens' Panel - Making the borough safer
You told us from previous Panel exercises and when you joined the Panel last year that community safety is a key issue for you. And we know it's important to go beyond the crime statistics and hear about residents' actual experieces of crime and safety in your local area. So, in this survey, we want to learn your views about how we can make the borough safer, working in partnership with different agencies and groups across Kensington and Chelsea. MoreClosed 22 March 2022 -
Care and wellbeing in your borough
This is a challenging time for all of us, both nationally and locally and COVID-19 is still a serious issue. Kensington and Chelsea Council is providing a number of services for residents, as well as working in partnership with many local organisations that are undertaking fantastic work to support local residents. In August 2020, we heard from our residents about the impact that COVID-19 was having on you; the services you were accessing; and where you think the Council could... MoreClosed 29 December 2021 -
Making the borough greener
Welcome to your second Citizens’ Panel survey and thank you for agreeing to be a part of the Panel community. When you joined the Panel the majority of you told us that the environment was an important issue for you. This survey is, therefore, on the environment and making Kensington and Chelsea greener. The Council declared a Climate Emergency in late 2019, adopted the more stringent World Health Organisation (WHO) air quality guideline values and has recently produced its ... MoreClosed 23 August 2021
13 results.
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