Lexham Gardens - Proposed sinusoidal road hump traffic calming

Closed 22 Jun 2024

Opened 11 May 2024


Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey below.

Following a successful application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding by a resident of Lexham Gardens, to introduce traffic calming in Lexham Gardens (western, eastern and south eastern arms), the Council is now seeking the views of local residents on the proposals.

A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is to be spent on local priorities; this is called Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL). This is a fund the Council collects from developments and is required to be spent in consultation with local communities in each ward.

The successful NCIL application requested the following traffic control measures:

  • Traffic calming using sinusoidal road humps, to reduce traffic speeds.

Abingdon ward councillors Sarah Addenbrooke, Anne Cyron and James Husband supported the application and subsequently approved the proposal for consultation.

Traffic calming proposal (using sinusoidal road humps):

The proposal is to install ten sinusoidal road humps in Lexham Gardens - four on the western arm, four on the eastern arm (including the one-way loop) and two on the south eastern arm. The approximate positions of the road humps and associated signs can be seen in the plan below.

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Road humps with a sinusoidal profile are similar to round-top road humps but have a shallower initial rise. They minimise the potential noise impact of vehicles, particularly larger ones, passing over them. The profile also provides a more comfortable ride for cyclists. The sinusoidal profile is now the preferred standard for road humps in the borough.

It is important to avoid leaving large gaps between humps, as this can lead to drivers accelerating between them and then breaking hard. The humps proposed are between 50 and 60 metres apart, to encourage drivers to keep to a consistent speed as they negotiate them, thereby minisiming any associated noise and emissions. The spacing of the humps will vary slightly as they need to be placed away from metal covers in the road and residents' driveways.

You can view examples of recently installed sinusoidal road humps in Drayton Gardens (SW10), Egerton Gardens (SW3) and Ovington Gardens (SW3).

Why your views matter

Your Councillors are keen to hear your views, so this is the chance for you to have your say on this proposal.

If you would like to support or object to these proposals, or make any other comments in respect of them, please complete the short survey below.

The Council’s Director for Transport and Regulatory Services will consider all the comments received, in consultation with Abingdon ward councillors and the Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm, before deciding on whether to proceed. 

If you would like the survey in another language or format, please email traffic@rbkc.gov.uk

What happens next

The Council’s Director for Transport and Regulatory Services will consider all the comments received, in consultation with Abingdon ward councillors and the Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm, before deciding on whether to proceed. 


  • Abingdon


  • Communities
  • Transport
  • Consultations