Housing Consultations


In Housing, we are always looking to gain the views of residents and shape our services together. We routinely consult on these so whenever we hold a consultation exercise, you can have your say and tell us what you think. We will use your comments to help us shape our proposals and make recommendations for how we can work together with you to deliver services which are designed to meet your needs. 

These consultations will be based around 6 broad themes:

  • Policy (Our official direction on a service e.g. The Damp and Mould Policy)
  • Strategy (Our plan for implementing a change/improvement to our services)
  • Improvements (Borough-wide works that will improve our housing/housing services)
  • Estate improvements (improvements to your immediate neighbourhood)
  • Funding (have your say on particular budgetary decisions)
  • New builds (have your say on the direction of our new homes programme)

Your feedback is crucial to us providing the best possible service - please take part in our consultations.

We are committed to listening to our residents, and involving residents in decision-making on things like housing policy and how their estates are run. Please do get involved.

Councillor Sof McVeigh, Lead Member for Housing Management, Housing Safety, and Building New Homes
Image of blond woman, smiling

Closed consultations

Housing issues we have asked you about in the past

Housing Management - Improving Our Services

Kensington and Chelsea Council’s Housing Management Directorate are looking to understand how our tenants currently view and interact with our services (t hese services include everything we do...

Closed 26 July 2024

World's End Services

The World's End Project Why are we doing this? We have heard clearly from residents that the Council needs to do more to join up services and focus our activity in locations where residents...

Closed 21 July 2024

Housing Management Repairs Policy

The Repairs Policy is up for review as the current version was published in 2019 and needs a refresh. Kensington and Chelsea Council have made some changes which are summarised below. We would like...

Closed 16 July 2024

Useful Housing links

Housing Policies and Strategies

illustrated purple icon showing a piece of paper with writing on and pencil

Information on Housing Policies, Strategies and Publications.

Learn more

Get involved

illustrated purple icon showing 3 speech bubbles, one with a thumbs up sign inside, one with a heart inside and one with some ellipsis inside


Find out more about Residents’ Associations, Panels and Committees.

Learn more

Repairs and major works

illustrated purple icon showing a house with a hand holding a spanner


Report repairs and find out about planned major works.

Learn more

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