374 results
Tenancy Agreement proposed changes
All landlords, whether they be councils or housing associations periodically review their tenancy conditions to guarantee they remain relevant and effective in ensuring residents can enjoy their homes in peace and security. Based on feedback over amendments proposed to your tenancy agreement in March 2021 , the Housing Management Services have just undertaken such a review, proposing a small number of changes to your tenancy conditions. The main changes proposed are... MoreOpened 16 December 2022 -
Resident Permit Article Changes (December 2022)
In November 2022, the Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment approved a Key Decision Report (KDR) proposing changes to the resident parking permit eligibility criteria and terms and conditions which would reduce unnecessary bureaucracy whilst maintaining the integrity of the scheme. You can view the decision of the KDR online . A number of the proposed changes require a change to the residents’ parking permit system and so can not be implemented until the system is changed.... MoreOpened 21 December 2022 -
Housing Allocations Scheme 2023
Deciding how we fairly allocate our limited supply of social housing is one of the most important questions we face as a Council, and it is something that we must get right. In our first consultation last year we asked for your thoughts about some key themes that we wanted your guidance on to make our Allocation Scheme better. These themes were identified in the pre-consultation work carried out with residents and local voluntary groups by Newman Francis on our behalf. ... MoreOpened 5 January 2023 -
Powis Square - Feedback on summer opening and closing times and dog use
This consultation focuses on whether the opening and closing times should be amended during the summer months, April through to August and how dogs should use the Square and how this should be controlled or managed. Summer opening and closing times Powis Square is currently open to the public from 7.30am every morning and closes when dusk falls. The current opening and closing times for this period are displayed below: Time periods ... MoreOpened 9 January 2023 -
Edenham Way Parking
We have been working with residents on a solution to the widespread misuse of parking facilities and increasing problems with unauthorised parking at Edenham Way. Residents are frequently unable to find a parking space and some drivers of unauthorised vehicles are engaging in antisocial behaviour. There have been multiple incidences of vehicles speeding on the estate and vandalism of the car park entry gates. In response, the Council is asking... MoreOpened 10 January 2023 -
Gilston Road - revocation of two-way cycling
In October 2022, the Council made a traffic order that exempted cycles from part of the one-way traffic order in Gilston Road , between its junctions with Priory Walk and Park Walk. After this order was made, the Council received representations from a residents’ association about the safety of the proposal. At the request of the Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment, the Council no longer wishes to implement this scheme. It was agreed that an alternative... MoreOpened 11 January 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Improving our streets: Travel options for Kensington High Street and beyond
In 2021 the Council commissioned a report from the Centre for London (CfL) to investigate the changing way residents and visitors get around the borough as the Covid pandemic receded. The Council also sought suggestions about how our streets and places could be adapted to improve walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The report also had a particular focus on Kensington High Street as a primary east-west corridor linking Kensington and Chelsea to other boroughs. ... MoreOpened 16 January 2023 -
Emslie Horniman Pleasance - Mural
During a consultation on the refurbishment of a playground at Emslie Horniman Pleasance, 83% of respondents wanted to see a mural within the playground to celebrate local artistry. The team behind Kensington and Chelsea Art Week ( KCAW ) has been curating the project, running the consultation and the final delivery of the mural - which will be added onto the inside of the wall surrounding the playground. They have already run workshops to get a better understanding of what local schools... MoreOpened 16 January 2023 -
Cycle Hangars January 2023
Enabling more cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. Making travel by bicycle convenient for residents is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. One of the ways we can make cycling easier is to provide cycle storage. Residents living in flats experience particular difficulty storing bicycles at home and much of the existing cycle parking on-street does not offer high... MoreOpened 23 January 2023 -
Egerton Crescent, Egerton Gardens and Egerton Terrace - Road Humps
This consultation seeks views on the proposed installation of a total of nine sinusoidal road humps in Egerton Crescent, Egerton Gardens and Egerton Terrace: MoreOpened 25 January 2023 -
Kensington Central Library - K+C Co-works
Kensington and Chelsea Council Libraries and Archives launched K+C Co-works in April 2022. K+C Co-works provides affordable workspace and aims to create thriving communities at the most inspiring and convenient locations. We are creating a fourth space in Kensington Central Library and would like your views. Since the launch, K+C Co-works has grown and become popular amongst local business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-ups. We have witnessed a growth in the demand... MoreOpened 25 January 2023 -
Customer Access Strategy - User Group Expression of Interest
Kensington and Chelsea Council has launched a Customer Access Strategy aimed at improving the experience residents have when they contact us, and we want you to be part of it! As part of the work to deliver the strategy we would like to work with people who live, work or study in the borough on a variety of projects, all with the aim of improving the experience people have when using Council services. What’s happening? We are committed to the strategy and to... MoreOpened 1 February 2023 -
Cycle Stands February 2023
Enabling more cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. Making travel by bicycle convenient for residents is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. The Council installs cycle stands where provisions are low and where there is a clear case for demand in cycle parking. The Council also receives requests from residents for cycle parking as many residents living in flats have... MoreOpened 6 February 2023 -
February 2023 parking changes
This consultation seeks views on various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough in the following streets: Abbotsbury Road, Addison Avenue, Alderson Street, Allen Street, Bevington Road, Blenheim Crescent, Brunswick Gardens, Cadogan Gardens, Cadogan Square, Calderon Place, Campden Hill Road, Chelsea Bridge Road, Chelsea Embankment, Chelsea Manor Street, Cheyne Walk, Child’s Place, Collingham Road, Colville Gardens, Colville Road, Colville... MoreOpened 8 February 2023 -
Feb 23 Housing parking changes
This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within 69 St Quintin Avenue, Tavistock Crescent, Portobello Court Estate and Hortensia House housing estates MoreOpened 8 February 2023 -
Sports and Physical Activity feedback
The Leisure Services team wanted to capture some feedback from residents and other stakeholders about their current levels of physical activity and also their engagement with the Council's Sport and Leisure offer, to provide feedback and new ideas on ways we can improve our service for their benefit. This will also allow us to gauge what forms of exercise people have interest in, in order for us to meet demand or change to be more suitable. MoreOpened 10 February 2023 -
Statutory proposal to amalgamate Golborne Children’s Centre and Maxilla Nursery School
The proposal is to amalgamate Golborne Children's Centre and Maxilla Nursery to form one nursery school. The schools have been operating as one school for a number of years and amalgamating them will make access to the school more streamlined for families and less complicated for the operation of the school. MoreOpened 21 February 2023 -
Colbeck Mews Banned Right Turn
This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of a ban on motor vehicles travelling westbound along Harrington Gardens turning right into Colbeck Mews. MoreOpened 22 February 2023 -
School Streets Thomas Jones
In Autumn 2022, the Council consulted on a proposal ot introduce a Schhol Street on St mark's Road, outside Thomas Jones Primary School on Monday to Friday 8.45am-9.05am and 3.10pm-3.40pm. The consultation stated that 70 per cent of respondents supported the scheme in full, so The Director for Transport and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, Place and Environment, has decided to proceed with a traffic order consultation on a School Street on St... MoreOpened 22 February 2023 -
Citizens' Panel - Making the borough safer
You have consistently told us that community safety is one of your top priorities and making the borough safer again emerged as a key theme from the recent Let's Talk K&C consultation used to develop the Council Plan. We previously sought your views to inform the current Community Safety Plan and action plans. We now want to seek your views again to monitor progress and to see if there has been any shift in your attitudes and experiences. This will build on the benchmarks set in the... MoreOpened 23 February 2023 -
Parking Policy on Council Estates
We are proposing changes to our Parking Policy on Council Estates, and we want to ask for your feedback on two key changes that might affect how parking is managed on your estate. Your views will help us shape our policy and the future of parking services across all our housing estates. Background The Council has committed to carbon net-zero by 2030, which means we are aiming to reduce carbon emissions and create a balance between the carbon emissions that we produce in... MoreOpened 3 March 2023 -
Home to School Travel Assistance Policy for Children (0-16)
Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster councils have a joint system for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Service. The councils have a statutory duty to publish their Children's Home to School Travel Assistance Policies and post 16 travel assistance policy statements on councils' websites and local offer by 31st May 2023 each year. The councils have worked with their special educational needs and travel care and support teams to refresh their current... MoreOpened 9 March 2023 -
Old Brompton Road Parallel Crossing
Enabling more walking and cycling is one of the Council’s transport objectives. Making such trips safer and more convenient is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. We are consulting on providing a new parallel crossing from Kempsford Gardens, across Old Brompton Road, to Brompton Cemetery. Parallel crossings enable pedestrians and cyclists to cross a road safely, with... MoreOpened 13 March 2023 -
Reducing energy consumption on Elm Park Gardens Estate
Consultation to reduce energy consumption in your home With the cost of living crisis we know that many people are facing difficult times and we want to work with you to support you. The price of energy has gone up over the last year and we’re looking at ways to help you reduce your energy consumption. One way to do this is to look at how the communal heating system in your home is used and we’d like your opinion on this. The increase in energy prices affects... MoreOpened 16 March 2023 -
Housing Service satisfaction survey
The Housing Service is keen to hear your feedback on using our services. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this survey. This survey will: Help us better understand residents’ experiences when contacting us online, by telephone, in person or by letter. Help us better understand residents’ ability to use our online services and any barriers, which will inform our policies and how we support residents to use these services. ... MoreOpened 27 March 2023 -
Ashburn Place Priority Junctions
Enabling more walking and cycling is one of the Council’s transport objectives. Making such trips safer and more convenient is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. We are consulting on converting the mini-roundabouts at the junctions of Ashburn Place and Harrington Gardens, and Ashburn Place and Courtfield Road to priority junctions. The proposals also propose replacing... MoreOpened 27 March 2023 -
Hollywood Road - Proposed Improvements
The Council has an ambitious streetscape programme to create beautiful places within Kensington and Chelsea. Hollywood Road with its wonderful community restaurants and pubs is a fantastic example of an area which is well loved by residents and so should rightly be a place of beauty to enjoy. During the Covid19 pandemic a number of restaurants and pubs were licensed for additional outdoor dining on the highway and this has subsequently encouraged more of a cafe culture in the area. We... MoreOpened 1 April 2023 -
Rental e-Bike Cycle Parking Bays
Rental e-bikes have become a regular sight on borough streets and can be a convenient alternative to public transport or driving. The number of trips made by rental e-bikes has increased greatly in Kensington and Chelsea over the last few years. However, we recognise that parking of rental e-bikes on narrower footways can cause a nuisance to residents, particularly where the footway is obstructed for those using wheelchairs or buggies. The Council is therefore proposing to provide... MoreOpened 5 April 2023 -
Youth Provision Review - Adults' survey
The Council commissions a range of youth services across the borough for children and young people aged 11-19 (up to 25 with SEND). This means the Council funds local voluntary sector organisations to deliver high quality programmes and activities for young people. Examples of activities include sports, arts, crafts, culture, cooking and meditation. Our commissioned providers are Rugby Portobello Trust, Dalgarno Trust, Harrow Club, Al Manaar, Earl's Court Youth Club and London Sports... MoreOpened 11 April 2023 -
Young People’s Voice on Youth Services
This survey is intended for children and young people aged 11-19 and up to 25 for people with SEND. Help us shape youth services in Kensington and Chelsea for the chance to win a £100 All4One Voucher: complete the survey and access the prize draw! As a young person, you know what services people your age really need in Kensington and Chelsea. That’s why the Council wants to hear from you to make sure we are getting it right and funding organisations that are... MoreOpened 11 April 2023
374 results.
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