Closed Consultations

363 results

  • Customer Access Strategy - User Group Expression of Interest

    Kensington and Chelsea Council has launched a Customer Access Strategy aimed at improving the experience residents have when they contact us, and we want you to be part of it! As part of the work to deliver the strategy we would like to work with people who live, work or study in the borough on a variety of projects, all with the aim of improving the experience people have when using Council services. What’s happening? We are committed to the strategy and to... More
    Closed 31 December 2023
  • Napier Road - Proposed tree planting in parking bays

    Please read the following information carefully before completing the survey below, by no later than 22 December 2023. Following a successful application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding by a resident of Napier Road, to introduce new trees along the road, the Council is now seeking the views of local residents on the proposals. A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is to be spent on local priorities; this is called... More
    Closed 22 December 2023
  • Draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

    The Council is updating its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and is seeking views on the Draft Strategy and Action Plan. The Draft Strategy is the culmination of detailed investigations and reviews into the significant flooding that affected hundreds of properties across London in July 2021. The Council is grateful for the continued constructive input from residents and community representatives on this important issue. More
    Closed 21 December 2023
  • Draft Budget 2024-25 Proposals

    We need your views on the Council’s budget for the financial year 2024/25. We are asking for you to complete this consultation as it will help shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents, businesses, and communities. The Council’s draft budget report for 2024/25 includes key saving and growth revenue proposals, and an update on the Council’s capital programme. This budget has been created to support our... More
    Closed 21 December 2023
  • Temporary Accommodation Storage Charging Policy

    For several years, the Council has been providing free storage and removal services to households who approach the Council as homeless (and who are not in a position to protect their belongings) whilst they are seeking support from the Housing Needs department to resolve their housing situation. The Housing Act 1996 (Pt VII, s.211) stipulates that a housing Authority must take reasonable steps to prevent the loss of, or to prevent or mitigate damage to, any personal... More
    Closed 11 December 2023
  • Hogarth Road Public Realm Improvements

    The Council would like to improve the public realm in Hogarth Road by widening the pavements, improving the street surface and planting new trees. Hogarth Road is highly visible as people exit Earl's Court station and is one of the oldest parts of Earl’s Court. The proposal would give the local community and visitors a high-quality space to enjoy and provide a pleasant setting for the vibrant collection of shops and small businesses. The scheme would be funded by the Council. ... More
    Closed 7 December 2023
  • All Saints School Street Amended Times

    In July 2022, the Council introduced a traffic order to provide a pedestrian and cycle zone at school drop off times outside the All Sainst Catholic College in St Charles Square. The College now wish to change the hours in the school day and so a new traffic order is required to amend the to amend the hours that the pedestrian and cycle zone operates in the afternoon from 2.45pm to 3.15pm, Mondays to Fridays to 2pm to 3.30pm, Mondays to Fridays, to reflect the school's amendment. More
    Closed 6 December 2023
  • Kensington Park Road Streetscape Scheme

    In recent years, Kensington Park Road has become known for outdoor dining, and since 2021 the section between Elgin Crescent and Blenheim Terrace has been closed to through traffic. Now the Council is proposing measures to make this street a greener, more attractive place in which to spend time. The proposals are part of our ambitions to create more amazing spaces in a borough that is greener, safer and fairer for everyone. The proposed streetscape improvements are for the... More
    Closed 29 November 2023
  • October 2023 parking changes

    This consultation seeks views on various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough in the following streets: Avondale Park Road, Barlby Road, Basil Street, Beaufort Street, Bolton Gardens, Bramham Gardens, Bramley Road, Cadogan Square, Chesterton Road, Cheyne Row, Child’s Place, Colville Road, Crowthorne Road, Dalgarno Gardens, Darfield Way, Draycott Avenue, Douro Place, Edith Terrace, Elgin Crescent, Evelyn Gardens, Exmoor Street, Flood Walk,... More
    Closed 29 November 2023
  • October 23 Housing Parking Changes

    This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within 375 Portobello Road housing estate. More
    Closed 29 November 2023
  • Holland Park outdoor gym refurbishment and golf practice area improvements

    Kensington and Chelsea Council want to know your views regarding the current outdoor gym equipment and golf practice area within Holland Park. The current outdoor gym equipment is coming to the end of its life span and therefore needs to be replaced, along with any potential improvements to the golf practice area. More
    Closed 27 November 2023
  • Tavistock Gardens improvements

    Tavistock Gardens is a much loved green public open space bordered by Tavistock Road, All Saints Road and Tavistock Crescent in North Kensington. It contains a large lawn surrounded by trees, shrub beds, a children’s playground and an exercise area with gym equipment. The gardens are now looking tired and we would love to hear your views on improving them by expressing your preference on green spaces, safety, your possible involvement and any other suggestions you... More
    Closed 22 November 2023
  • Oakley Street & Old Church Street - Bus & Coach ban

    This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of a ban of all buses (including coaches) from entering Oakley Street and Old Church Street (between the south-eastern kerb-line of King’s Road and the north-western kerb-line of Chelsea Embankment), excluding any part of those roads that is a red route side road. An exemption would apply to vehicles following a diversion route. More
    Closed 18 October 2023
  • Cycle Hangars September 2023

    Enabling more cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. Making travel by bicycle convenient for residents is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. One of the ways we can make cycling easier is to provide cycle storage. Residents living in flats experience particular difficulty storing bicycles at home and much of the existing cycle parking on-street does not offer high... More
    Closed 15 October 2023
  • Basil Street Public Realm Improvements

    The section of Basil Street east of Pavilion Road has been closed since 2019 to facilitate the building of the “K1 Development”, the prominent building on the corner of Sloane Street and Brompton Road. In 2020, the Council consulted on the principle of making this closure permanent. Most respondents to the consultation supported this proposition. Earlier this year, the Council made a traffic order to close the junction of Sloane Street and Basil Street on a permanent basis to... More
    Closed 12 October 2023
  • Making the borough fairer - Citizens' Panel event

    Through our engagement with residents you have told us that you want the Borough to be fairer and this is one of the our commitments in our new Council Plan. B ut what does being fairer look like to you? How can we ensure we listen to all residents and treat everyone fairly and equally? How should we tackle discrimination and ensure our services are accessible and benefit all our residents, especially those who need them most? Share your views on this and help us get this... More
    Closed 9 October 2023
  • Elm Park Gardens (east and west arms) - Proposed sinusoidal road hump traffic calming

    Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey below, no later than 10 September 2023. Following a successful application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding by the Elm Park House Residents Committee, to introduce traffic calming in Elm Park Gardens (east and west arms), the Council is now seeking the views of local residents on the proposals. A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy... More
    Closed 10 September 2023
  • Ifield Road Playground Improvements

    Ifield Road Playground is a small outdoor play area located along Ifield Road, next to Earl's Court Youth Club. It has toddler swings, a wooden see-saw and a metal climbing frame on blue safety matting. It also has trees, flowers and shrubs. The play equipment and its blue safety surfacing are coming to the end of their life and need to be replaced. More
    Closed 7 September 2023
  • Citizens' Panel - Supporting emotional health and wellbeing in the borough

    Mental health and wellbeing refers to our state of thinking, feeling and behaving which affects our ability to cope with life, build and maintain relationships, make decisions, and contribute to our communities. Anyone can be affected by mental health problems. Approximately 1 in 4 adults will experience a mental health problem someday such as anxiety and depression. When you get help, the right advice and support information, you are more likely to fully recover and learn to... More
    Closed 14 August 2023
  • Sunbeam Gardens Improvements

    Kensington and Chelsea Council are seeking your views on a wide range of improvements to your local park – Sunbeam Gardens. The potential improvements include the following: Installation of drinking water fountain; New seating; Art sculpture and mural; Repainting existing railings; New planting; and, Outdoor gym. More
    Closed 13 August 2023
  • Traffic Order S465 - Cambridge Gardens

    Following a request from residents for secure cycle parking the Council is consulting on introduction of a cycle hangar in Cambridge Gardens. Residents living in flats experience particular difficulty storing bicycles at home and much existing cycle parking on-street does not offer high levels of security. The proposal is to introduce one secure cycle hangar unit outside No. 105 Cambridge Gardens. Each on-street cycle hangar unit provides space for six residents’ bicycles. The... More
    Closed 2 August 2023
  • June 23 Parking Changes

    This consultation seeks views on various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough in the following streets: Abbotsbury Road, Basil Street, Beaufort Street, Bina Gardens, Blantyre Street, Blenheim Crescent, Brompton Road, Brompton Square, Bywater Street, Cale Street, Cambridge Gardens, Campden Grove, Campden Street, Cathcart Road, Child’s Place, Coulson Street, Cremorne Estate, Dalgarno Way, Dove Mews, Drayton Gardens, Dulford Street, Earl’s... More
    Closed 2 August 2023
  • June 23 Housing Parking Changes

    This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within 375 Portobello Road, Elm Park Gardens Central, Henry Dickens Court, Knight's House, Longlands Court and Tavistock Crescent housing estates More
    Closed 2 August 2023
  • Information, Advice and Guidance Services

    The Council wants to ensure that the provision of information, legal advice and guidance (IAG) is of a high quality, accurate and consistent and our residents can access it early and also easily. We would like to consult with residents about their experience of using IAG services in the borough. Information, legal advice and guidance (IAG) services diagnose people’s problems and provide them with information, general and/or specialist advice and guidance on matters that is relevant to... More
    Closed 30 July 2023
  • Learning Disability Housing Care and Support Service - Service Users

    The City of Westminster and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Bi-Borough Adult Social Care are planning to re-design the Learning Disability Service to better meet your needs. We would like to hear from you about your experience of Supported Living services so that we can include your views and suggestions in the re-design of the service. More
    Closed 14 July 2023
  • Learning Disability Housing Care and Support Service- Carers Survey

    The City of Westminster and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Bi-Borough Adult Social Care are planning to re-design the Learning Disability Service to better meet your family member's needs. We would like to hear from you about your family member's experience of Supported Living Services so that we can include your views and suggestions in the re-design of the service. More
    Closed 14 July 2023
  • Bi-borough Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023

    The Joint Health and Wellbeing Board The Joint Health and Wellbeing Board is a well established partnership in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster between our local authorities, NHS and Voluntary and Community organisations. The Board is responsible for understanding and improving the health and wellbeing of residents in our boroughs. We are committed to reducing health inequalities through integrated working. The Board has a responsibility to write and... More
    Closed 9 July 2023
  • Gloucester Road Proposed Improvements

    Gloucester Road is an important focal point within South Kensington, but many of you have told us that the section south of Cromwell Road in Courtfield ward has got a bit shabby and run down. We have been pressing the Council to improve the streetscape and we are delighted that the Council’s leadership has listened. A draft design has been worked up over the last three years with helpful involvement from local residents’ associations to narrow down the initial options. ... More
    Closed 5 July 2023
  • Join the Portobello Engagement Oversight Panel

    Portobello Road is a world-renowned market street that means so much to so many people. The council are supporting the ambition of traders, residents, and businesses for a long-term plan to sympathetically improve the infrastructure of the area while embracing Portobello Road’s iconic character and culture. We are recruiting up to 20 people to form a Portobello Engagement Oversight Panel who will shape the engagement programme and oversee the process to ensure... More
    Closed 28 June 2023
  • Advisory Cycle Lanes on Fulham Road and Kensington High Street

    Enabling more walking and cycling is part of the Council Plan commitment to a Greener Kensington and Chelsea. Making such trips safer and more convenient is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. We are consulting on providing advisory cycle lanes on Fulham Road and the eastern and western sections of Kensington High Street. Advisory cycle lanes are indicated by a broken (dashed) painted white... More
    Closed 26 June 2023
363 results. Page 3 of 13