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374 results

  • New Homes Delivery Programme - Latymer Community Church and Bramley Road New Homes Round Two

    The Council is building 600 new homes in the borough including a minimum of 300 at social rent. This will be achieved without the loss of any existing homes. There is an urgent need for social rent and key worker homes in the borough and our New Homes Delivery Programme will go some way to tackling our housing shortage. Phase 1 Work has already started on the 97 homes that form part of Phase 1 of this programme. These sites comprise Kensal Road, Hewer... More
    Opened 4 July 2022
  • Chelsea Bridge Road & Lower Sloane Street - Pedestrian Crossings

    This consultation seeks views on the proposals, to: remove a ‘zebra’ pedestrian crossing in Lower Sloane Street, to the south of its junction with Sloane Gardens and establish a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing with its centreline 9.7 metres south of the southern kerb-line of Sloane Gardens; and establish a ‘zebra’ pedestrian crossing in Chelsea Bridge Road with its centreline located approximately 17 metres south of the southern kerb-line of the vehicle access to... More
    Opened 6 July 2022
  • Community Engagement Questionnaire - Festival of Activity and Wellbeing

    The Leisure Services team are organising a Festival of Activity and Wellbeing on Saturday 23 July at Holland Park. Over 25 organisations will gather on Holland Park to showcase one of the most exciting and diverse ranges of sports and activities available to local residents all for free! More
    Opened 23 July 2022
  • Cremorne Gardens - Outdoor Gym Equipment Proposals

    Funding has been made available to install outdoor gym equipment in Cremorne Gardens. Given the limited available space, we believe that a maximum of three pieces of gym equipment could be installed in a single location without compromising enjoyment of the park. Calisthenics equipment has been discounted because of the extra safety room that is required for this type of equipment. More
    Opened 1 August 2022
  • North Kensington Grenfell Community Assembly - Feedback

    The North Kensington Grenfell Community Assembly is a forum that provides the North Kensington community with the opportunity to come together and discuss issues that matter to them with the Council and its partner agencies. Meetings focus on different themes each time depending on what residents want to discuss. Following the event, a written record of the discussions is provided along with a document detailing how the Council and its partner agencies plan to respond to any issues... More
    Opened 5 August 2022
  • Community Leadership Programme - Resident Panel

    After requests from the North Kensington community to be more involved in the design of services and programmes that directly affect them, we’re looking to recruit local residents to be part of a panel and help steer the future of the Community Leadership Programme (name is subject to change). Panellists may also be involved in shaping the Grenfell Projects Fund and the Grenfell Community Assembly. If you’re interested in taking part, we would love to hear from you. To put... More
    Opened 5 August 2022
  • Change at the Council – a legacy from Grenfell

    The Grenfell tragedy has forever marked Kensington and Chelsea, our communities and the Council. Bereaved, survivors and local people have challenged us to make sure that the lessons from Grenfell are never forgotten. We have heard clearly that they want us to use the learning from the tragedy to make Kensington and Chelsea the best council for all residents, and one which is led by its communities. The Council is committed to meeting this challenge to... More
    Opened 9 August 2022
  • Notting Dale Future Neighbourhood 2030

    Notting Dale is one of only two neighbourhoods in London that has been selected as part of the Mayor of London’s Future Neighbourhoods 2030 programme. 30 initial projects are already underway delivering benefits to local residents in Notting Dale, with the opportunity for more to secure funding in the months ahead, and leave a sustainable and positive legacy. Notting Dale Future Neighbourhoods 2030 focuses on five key themes centred around retrofitting, energy supply, health and... More
    Opened 30 August 2022
  • St Luke’s Gardens - Proposed Improvements

    Kensington and Chelsea Council are seeking your views on the proposed refurbishment of the children’s play area and climbing rock area at St Luke’s Gardens. The current play equipment and surfacing needs updating due to the age of the equipment and surfacing reaching the end of serviceable life. We also wish to understand if the climbing rock area is well used and what alternatives this space might be used for. We would appreciate it if you could spend a few... More
    Opened 2 September 2022
  • Notting Hill Gate Local Action Plan Feedback

    We want our high streets to be places that are welcoming, where visitors want to spend time and where they want to return to again and again. One way we are working to support our high streets is through the development of a series of local action plans. The first one in Notting Hill Gate. Local action plans list place-based projects which are identified and detailed with the community. Together, we will ensure that projects are deliverable, impactful, and well maintained. Projects can... More
    Opened 7 September 2022
  • Earl's Court Area Parking Changes

    This consultation seeks views on the proposal to, on days during which an event is being held at the site of the former Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre that the Council deem would adversely affect residents’ ability to park in nearby streets: to extend the hours of operation of the residents’ parking places in Eardley Crescent, Earl’s Court Square and Kempsford Gardens to include the hours between 6.30pm and 10pm on Saturdays and between 8.30am and 10pm on... More
    Opened 7 September 2022
  • School Street - Thomas Jones School

    What is a School Street? A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable... More
    Opened 26 September 2022
  • Citizens' Panel event - Let's talk K&C - September 2022

    Our first ever Citizens' Panel event was held in September 2022. This launched the Let's Talk K&C conversation around what the Council's priorities should be over the coming years. Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. Panel members feedback from the event and the Panel survey will help inform the new Council Plan. A big thank you to the 70... More
    Opened 27 September 2022
  • Walton Place - U Turn Ban

    This consultation seeks views on the proposal to prohibit vehicles making a "U" turn in Walton Place. The prohibition on making U-turns in Walton Place is required to prevent the obstruction and danger caused by vehicles overcoming the existing banned right turn from Hans Road into Basil Street by entering Walton Place and making a U-turn before entering Basil Street. More
    Opened 28 September 2022
  • Cycle Hangars October 2022

    Enabling more cycling is one of the Council’s borough transport objectives. Making travel by bicycle convenient for residents is one way to improve our air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and work towards our goal for the borough to be carbon neutral by 2040. The Council regularly receives requests from residents for on-street cycle hangar units. Residents living in flats experience particular difficulty storing bicycles at home and much existing cycle parking on-street does not... More
    Opened 3 October 2022
  • October 2022 Miscellaneous Parking, Waiting and Loading Amendments

    This consultation seeks views on various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough in the following streets: Allen Street, Bevington Road, Blenheim Crescent, Bramley Road, Cale Street, Chelsea Bridge Road, Chelsea Embankment, Chesterton Road, Christchurch Street, Clareville Street, Cremorne Estate, Dalgarno Gardens, Denbigh Terrace, Eardley Crescent, Earl’s Court Square, Exmoor Street, Fernshaw Road, Finborough Road, Gloucester Road, Hans Road,... More
    Opened 19 October 2022
  • Lowndes Square left turn ban into William Street

    This consultation seeks views on the proposal to prohibit all vehicles, except for pedal cycles and authorised vehicles, travelling eastwards in the northern west to east arm of Lowndes Square from turning left into William Street. For the purposes of the exemption to the banned left turn, authorised vehicles means those dropping off or picking up passengers or delivering or collecting goods at properties within William Street. More
    Opened 19 October 2022
  • Off-street Parking Amendment (375 Portobello Road)

    This consultation seeks views on proposal to convert RBKC Housing resident permit holder bay number 5 to RBKC Housing personalised disabled bay PBR 02 in the 375 Portobello Road Housing Estate More
    Opened 19 October 2022
  • Automated Public Conveniences (APCs) - Proposed Closures

    Kensington and Chelsea Council delivers a variety of toilet provisions across the borough. Although there is no requirement to provide toilet facilities, we understand their importance. However, we do have an obligation to spend public money wisely and ensure value for money. Some of the toilets in the borough are automated public conveniences (APC) provided by external suppliers and come with hire and maintenance charges which are paid for by the Council. Having... More
    Opened 24 October 2022
  • New Local Plan Review (NLPR) - Publication Policies (Regulation 19)

    The Council is undertaking a New Local Plan Review (NLPR) and has now reached the "Publication" stage. We have undertaken three previous consultations before reaching this stage. In this final consultation on "Publication Policies" we are asking whether the policies satisfy the tests of soundness which are set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework and are replicated in the response form. ... More
    Opened 27 October 2022
  • Lowerwood Court Garages Transformation Project

    The purpose of this survey is to build a baseline for any potential transformation of Lowerwood Court garages at Convent Estate into workspaces. Although there have been proposals to redevelop the garages in the past, most notably the plans put forward by Second Home, the Council is now taking a fresh look at the site. The Council’s Planning, Property and Social Investment, and Housing services are involved in the conversations. We are still at an early stage in... More
    Opened 31 October 2022
  • Libraries and Archives identity refresh

    We are refreshing our Bi-Borough Libraries and Archives identity by introducing a new look and feel for the service. Two designs have been proposed and we are asking residents and stakeholders to select their preferred design to help make the final decision on which design to go with. Each design has an option for Kensington and Chelsea libraries and Westminster libraries. If you have any queries, require a paper copy of the background information or require assistance in... More
    Opened 31 October 2022
  • Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) – Busking and Street Entertainment

    The Council recognises the contribution and vibrancy that busking and street entertainment can make to the character of the borough . The Council also understands that this activity, at times, can have a negative impact on residents, businesses and visitors to the borough. This Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is designed to help manage a middle ground that allows busking and street entertainment to operate, in a way that everyone can enjoy. The PSPO seeks to: ... More
    Opened 1 November 2022
  • London Wood Burning Project Research

    Kensington and Chelsea is part of the London Wood Burning Group which received funding from Defra to investigate the effect that wood burning has on indoor and ambient air quality. We are working with Opinium and other councils across London to learn how residents are heating their homes this winter. Please share your views and contribute to this research. All responses are anonymous and the survey only takes 10 mins to complete. More
    Opened 10 November 2022
  • Flooding Risk Management - Evidence Gathering

    The Environment Select Committee set up a working group of Councillors to review flooding risk management following flooding in Kensington and Chelsea in July 2021 which affected households, high streets and businesses. The working group is developing a report with recommendations for how the Council and other agencies might better support businesses and residents in managing flooding risk in the future. More
    Opened 10 November 2022
  • Citizens' Panel - Let's Talk K&C

    Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. We know that becoming the best starts with listening. Residents have already shared ideas on what they think we should focus on and how we can use the learning from Grenfell to change for the better, including at the Citizens' Panel event in September. We now drawing up plans for the future, which will be... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Budget Proposals Consultations

    As we draw up plans for the future, help us to continue the conversation we've already started with our communities and influence our Budget Proposals by sharing your views on the following consultations. More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Let's Talk K&C

    Kensington and Chelsea Council has taken up the challenge to become the best Council, in all that we do, so the borough is greener, safer, and fairer for everyone who lives here. We know that becoming the best starts with listening. Residents have already shared ideas on what they think we should focus on and how we can use the learning from Grenfell to change for the better. We are now drawing up plans for the future, which will be set out in our new Council Plan for 2023-27 to be... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Draft Budget 2023-24 Revenue Proposals

    We need your views on the Council’s budget The Council’s draft budget report for 2023/24 includes key saving and investment proposals for next year. It is very important that our residents and businesses have a say on this draft budget to help to ensure the Council delivers the Council Plan priorities being consulted on with residents and sets a balanced budget for 2023/24. Background The Council has a budget gap before any budget reductions of £13.3m for 2023/24 and... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Draft Budget 2023-24 Capital Proposals

    We need your views on the Council’s budget The Council’s latest draft budget report for 2023/24 includes proposed fees and charges for next year and an update on the Council’s capital programme. It is very important that our residents and businesses have a say on this draft budget to help to ensure the Council delivers the Council Plan priorities designed with residents and sets a balanced budget for 2023/24. This consultation focuses on capital proposals (for example,... More
    Opened 8 December 2022
374 results. Page 8 of 13