372 results
Grenfell Projects Fund - Year Two
We are now two years into the C ouncil’s five-year Grenfell Recovery Strategy and we're keen to build on the excellent work done by local people in North Kensington in developing community resilience. With the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic brings still present, we want to codesign the next year of the programme. The next round of the Grenfell Projects Fund will be opening in s pring 2021 . The Grenfell Projects Fund launched for the first time... MoreOpened 18 February 2021 -
Community Leadership Programme - Year Two
We are now two years into the C ouncil’s five-year Grenfell Recovery Strategy and we're keen to build on the excellent work done by local people in North Kensington in developing community resilience. The next Community Leadership Programme will launch in April 2021. We want to build on the successes of the first year of the programme, and the online programme by working with the community to design the new offer . We have had some really good initial feedback,... MoreOpened 18 February 2021 -
Holland Park Car Park bank holiday charges
The proposals are: That the charge for use of the Holland Park Car Park would not apply on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday. Currently the charges do not apply on Christmas Day only and these changes would bring the days on which charges do not apply in the Holland Park Car Park in line with on-street parking charge provisions in the borough on bank holidays and other public holidays. T o make certain clerical changes to The... MoreOpened 24 February 2021 -
Proposed New Tenancy Agreement Conditions
The Council is consulting tenants and interested parties on its new Draft Tenancy Agreement. The Tenancy Agreement was last updated in 2014. MoreOpened 8 March 2021 -
New Homes Delivery Programme - Silchester Arches Round 2
The Council is delivering 600 new homes including a minimum of 300 social rent homes, alongside open market homes to rent and other community and employment facilities as part of its New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP). All of these new homes will be developed on sites owned by the Council. We have also committed to building all the new homes without the loss of any existing homes. We have consulted on the first four sites in Phase 1 of our NHDP and they have now received... MoreOpened 18 March 2021 -
Experimental provision of bus lane and cycle lane changes on Chelsea Bridge
From 21 March 2021, there will be an experimental order to provide an at any time northbound with-flow bus lane for the use of buses, solo motorcycles, pedal cycles, taxis and dial-a-ride buses in the northbound carriageway of Chelsea Bridge, extending between the boundary with the London Borough of Wandsworth (approximately the centre of the bridge) and 89 metres south of Chelsea Embankment and to amend the length of cycle lane in the northbound carriageway of Chelsea Bridge so... MoreOpened 21 March 2021 -
Housing Legacy Fund
What is the Housing Legacy Fund? The Council has set aside £1m over the next three years for the creation of a new Housing Legacy Fund. The funding comes from the ringfenced Grenfell Recovery budget that was previously used to support temporary accommodation costs for those affected by the tragedy. It is separate from mainstream Council funding and is specifically for initiatives that seek to build a positive local legacy from the Grenfell tragedy that... MoreOpened 29 March 2021 -
Additional Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) Licensing Scheme Proposal
We are seeking views on our proposal to introduce a borough wide additional HMO licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). These are often shared homes, including house and flat shares, bedsits and some buildings converted into flats. We want to ensure safe, well managed and healthy homes for tenants living in the private rented sector, and in particular for those living in HMOs. We aim to work with landlords to drive up compliance and professionalism, whilst using the full... MoreOpened 29 March 2021 -
Latimer Road - Design Code
The Council is undertaking a consultation on this draft supplementary planning document (SPD), which is a Design Code for Units 1 -14 Latimer Road. The draft SPD seeks to provide a set of design guidelines which give practical, robust and informed guidance to shape the future development of units 1-14 Latimer Road. We want to hear from our communities, businesses, developers and other stakeholders about your views on the content of this document. Please use the form below to provide your... MoreOpened 8 April 2021 -
Council Plan - Understanding what is important to you
The purpose of this survey is to gather up-to-date insight on what matters most to our residents as well as businesses and voluntary & community sector organisations operating in the Kensington and Chelsea. Similar engagement activities we have previously undertaken include the survey conducted in the summer of 2020 - that was focussed on understanding the impact of Covid-19 - and the public consultation ... MoreOpened 12 April 2021 -
St Charles Square - Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone in St Charles Square (outside All Saints Catholic College)
From 19 April 2021, m otor vehicles will be banned from entering St Charles Square (north to south arm) between the south-eastern kerb-line of St Charles Square (arm adjacent to Nos. 26 and 28 St Charles Square and Nos. 273 and 275 Ladbroke Grove) and the north-western kerb-line of St Charles Square (southernmost west to east arm) between 8.00am and 8.30am and between 2.45pm and 3.15pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only). [Note: Foot scooters,... MoreOpened 19 April 2021 -
Sedding Street - Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone (outside Holy Trinity Church of England School):
From 19 April 2021, m otor vehicles will be banned from entering Sedding Street (whole length) between 8.45am and 9.10am and between 3.20pm and 3.45pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only). [Note: Foot scooters, electric scooters, emergency vehicles, Dial-a-ride buses and vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge are exempt from the closure. Residents and traders who live or work in the section of road referred to above will be able to register for an... MoreOpened 19 April 2021 -
Draycott Avenue - Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone (outside Marlborough Primary School)
From 19 April 2021, m otor vehicles will be banned from entering Draycott Avenue, between the north-western kerb-line of Rosemoor Street and a point five metres south-east of the south-eastern kerb-line of Denyer Street between 8.30am and 9.05am and between 3.00pm and 3.35pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only) [Note: Foot scooters, electric scooters, emergency vehicles, Dial-a-ride buses and vehicles displaying a valid Blue Badge are exempt from the... MoreOpened 19 April 2021 -
Citizens' Panel First Survey
Welcome to your first Citizens’ Panel survey and thank you for agreeing to be a part of the Panel community. In light of the impact of Covid-19 on you and your community, the Council recognises that it’s important to ask what matters to you most now and what should the Council do to help. Please complete your survey by no later than 18 th May. To thank you, and in recognition of your time, all those that complete a survey will be entered into a prize draw... MoreOpened 20 April 2021 -
Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone in part of Kensington Park Road
The Council has prohibited motor vehicles from entering the length of Kensington Park Road that lies between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent and provided a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent, with an accompanying ‘no entry’ restriction into Kensington Park Road at its junction with Elgin Crescent and a compulsory right turn except cycles from Kensington Park Mews into... MoreOpened 28 April 2021 -
Chelsea Green - Proposed Improvements
During the last few weeks we have been working with the Chelsea Green Working group to develop a proposal to improve Chelsea Green, to provide a focal point for the local community to enjoy. We have listened carefully to the suggestions and concerns raised by the working group and now feel that we have a scheme that fulfils all the requirements and addresses all the areas of concern. We would now like to hear if the local community would like us to implement the scheme. This scheme will... MoreOpened 28 April 2021 -
St Helen's Gardens - Proposed Improvements
The St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum Neighbourhood Plan identified the opportunity for St Helen’s Gardens to act as a focal point for the area and the local community. In 2018 there was a serious collision at the junction of St Helen’s Gardens and St Quintin Avenue involving a pedestrian. We have also received numerous complaints about traffic speeds on St Quintin Avenue and in the vicinity of St Helen’s Gardens over the years. We have therefore taken this... MoreOpened 28 April 2021 -
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy - Kensington and Chelsea Council and Westminster City Council
The Councils (Kensington and Chelsea Council and Westminster City Council) are seeking the views of those who live, work and study in the two boroughs, to inform the development of the next Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy. The survey should take no more than five minutes. Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) is the umbrella term used to describe a range of violent and abusive acts and behaviours, including: domestic abuse (including coercive... MoreOpened 6 May 2021 -
Proposed changes to parking bays in Hillgate Village
In response to concerns about emergency vehicle access, and after consulting local residents and other interested parties, the Council converted most of the residents’ parking on the north side of Hillgate Place (between Hillgate Street and Farmer Street) to double yellow line in 2012. This specific section of Hillgate Place is less than 6 metres wide from kerb to kerb, and this is narrower than other roads in the Hillgate Village area, and emergency vehicles were not be able to pass... MoreOpened 14 May 2021 -
Character Study
The Council is carrying out a study of the borough to identify its growth patterns and what makes each of its areas distinctive. This character study will feed into the Local Plan and inform future growth and developments. The final study will make recommendations on the most appropriate forms of development for an area. You can help shape the future of the borough by telling us what gives your neighbourhood its unique identity and how new development can be best integrated to strengthen... MoreOpened 17 May 2021 -
Edge Street - Experimental Pedestrian and Cycle Zone (outside Fox Primary School)
T he Council has extended the afternoon closure times of the pedestrian and cycle zone in Edge Street (outside Fox Primary School) so that from 20 May it will operate between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only). Motor vehicles will be banned from entering Edge Street (whole length) between 8.15 am and 9.00 am and between 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (term time only). Please note: Foot... MoreOpened 20 May 2021 -
Proposed temporary extended hours of residents' parking control in relation to London Wonderground
From 15 July to 26 September 2021, there will be an event taking place in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, called the London Wonderground. The event will be held in Empress Place, SW6, and although the hours of operation have not been confirmed publicly, based on other Wonderground events it is anticipated that it will be open seven days a week, and will close at 10pm on weekdays, and midnight on Saturday and Sunday. We are consulting you on the below temporary... MoreOpened 4 June 2021 -
Experimental introduction of on-carriageway electric scooted parking places
On an experimental basis, t he Council has introduced e-scooter parking places in the carriageway in the following locations: Kensington Park Road, in the centre of the carriageway, adjacent to the flank wall of No. 2 Horbury Crescent, having a length of 5 metres and a width of 2.5 metres Talbot Road, on the south-east side, outside Nos. 105/107 and No. 109 Talbot Road, by removing a 5.2-metre pay on-street parking place Walmer Road, on the south-west... MoreOpened 7 June 2021 -
Lower Sloane Street / Royal Hospital Road - Pedestrian Improvements
The Council is proposing improvements to make it easier to cross the road at the traffic light-controlled junction of Royal Hospital Road with Lower Sloane Street, Pimlico Road and Chelsea Bridge Road. Currently there are no signalised pedestrian facilities at this junction site. To allow for the new ‘Green Man’ pedestrian signals at this junction, the existing zebra crossing on Lower Sloane Street by Sloane Gardens and Holbein Mews will need to be converted to a... MoreOpened 8 June 2021 -
New Homes Delivery Programme - Barlby Road Round 2
The Council is delivering 600 new homes including a minimum of 300 social rent homes, alongside open market homes to rent and other community and employment facilities as part of its New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP). Barlby Road The NHDP has identified a site by Barlby Road as a potential area to help deliver new homes for the borough. A first round of consultation took place between November 2020 and January 2021. We have taken on board the comments from the first round of... MoreOpened 9 June 2021 -
Miscellaneous Parking Amendments - June 2021
Various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough. MoreOpened 9 June 2021 -
Off-street Parking Amendment (West Row Estate)
Proposed conversion of RBKC Housing Personalised Disabled Bay (WER01) to RBKC Housing Resident Permit Holders Bay (number 4) and RBKC Housing Personalised Disabled Bay (WER04) to RBKC Housing Resident Permit Holders Bay (number 10) in the West Row Housing Estate. MoreOpened 9 June 2021 -
New Homes Delivery Programme - Cheyne Nursery and Children’s Centre with Housing
The Council is delivering 600 new homes including a minimum of 300 social rent homes, alongside open market homes to rent and other community and employment facilities as part of its New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP). Cheyne The NHDP has identified a site on the existing Cheyne Nursery and Children’s Centre as a potential area to help deliver new homes for the borough, alongside a new nursery and children’s centre. MoreOpened 10 June 2021 -
Holland Road Tree Pits
Residents have told us that they want more trees planted in the Borough. We are considering Holland Road as a possible location for more trees, in light of the relatively few trees in the street at the moment. It is hoped that the trees would help make the streets more attractive, increase biodiversity, improve air quality and fight pollution. As the ground under the pavements is generally taken up by vaults and utilities, one option is to have planting places built into the road space... MoreOpened 15 June 2021 -
Pedestrian and cycle zones in Cadogan Gardens (outside Holy Trinity CofE School) at school drop-off and pick-up times
From 1 September 2021, the Council are looking to extend the experimental traffic order to ban m otor vehicles entering the southern west to east arm of Cadogan Gardens, between the eastern kerb-line of Cadogan Gardens (eastern north to south arm) and the western kerb-line of Pavilion Road, between 8.45 am and 9.15 am and between 3.00 pm and 3.40 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, permanently. Note: The pedestrian and cycle zone in the above... MoreOpened 30 June 2021
372 results.
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