374 results
All Saints School Street Amended Times
In July 2022, the Council introduced a traffic order to provide a pedestrian and cycle zone at school drop off times outside the All Sainst Catholic College in St Charles Square. The College now wish to change the hours in the school day and so a new traffic order is required to amend the to amend the hours that the pedestrian and cycle zone operates in the afternoon from 2.45pm to 3.15pm, Mondays to Fridays to 2pm to 3.30pm, Mondays to Fridays, to reflect the school's amendment. MoreOpened 25 October 2023 -
Hogarth Road Public Realm Improvements
The Council would like to improve the public realm in Hogarth Road by widening the pavements, improving the street surface and planting new trees. Hogarth Road is highly visible as people exit Earl's Court station and is one of the oldest parts of Earl’s Court. The proposal would give the local community and visitors a high-quality space to enjoy and provide a pleasant setting for the vibrant collection of shops and small businesses. The scheme would be funded by the Council. ... MoreOpened 26 October 2023 -
Draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
The Council is updating its Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and is seeking views on the Draft Strategy and Action Plan. The Draft Strategy is the culmination of detailed investigations and reviews into the significant flooding that affected hundreds of properties across London in July 2021. The Council is grateful for the continued constructive input from residents and community representatives on this important issue. MoreOpened 9 November 2023 -
Draft Budget 2024-25 Proposals
We need your views on the Council’s budget for the financial year 2024/25. We are asking for you to complete this consultation as it will help shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents, businesses, and communities. The Council’s draft budget report for 2024/25 includes key saving and growth revenue proposals, and an update on the Council’s capital programme. This budget has been created to support our... MoreOpened 9 November 2023 -
Napier Road - Proposed tree planting in parking bays
Please read the following information carefully before completing the survey below, by no later than 22 December 2023. Following a successful application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding by a resident of Napier Road, to introduce new trees along the road, the Council is now seeking the views of local residents on the proposals. A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is to be spent on local priorities; this is called... MoreOpened 10 November 2023 -
Draft Budget 2024-25: Fees and Charges Proposals
We need your views on the Council’s budget which includes proposed fees and charges for the financial year 2024-25. Residents, businesses, and communities are invited to share their feedback on the proposed fees and charges as part of the wider budget consultation for 2024-25 which will be taken to Full Council in February 2024 for approval. Your feedback will help us shape our financial priorities and deliver value for money for our residents,... MoreOpened 7 December 2023 -
Support payment for low-income households
Kensington and Chelsea is home to some of the most deprived households in the country and many households in the borough continue to struggle with the impact of the rising cost of living. The Council has outlined its commitment to support a fairer borough and helping people with the cost of living and is proposing to make a £100 support payment in Spring 2024 to low-income households likely to be struggling the most. The £100 payment would be paid to over 16,500... MoreOpened 13 December 2023 -
Polling districts and polling places review 2024
At least once every five years, the Council is required to review all the polling districts and polling places in the borough. This is to make sure that all electors continue to have access to reasonable facilities for voting. The review looks at the scheme of polling districts and polling places, which must be agreed by Full Council. A polling district is a geographical area set for the purposes of an election only. All voters who live in the same... MoreOpened 8 January 2024 -
Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)- Earl's Court
Following concerns raised by residents in Earl's Court ward regarding the overall safety of the area, the Council is proposing to implement a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). This measure is intended to address anti-social behaviors, enhance safety, and contribute to the overall improvement of the quality of life in Earl's Court ward. Proposed PSPO Restrictions: 1. Use of illegal drugs or psychoactive substances Prohibits preparing or using illegal drugs or... MoreOpened 9 January 2024 -
Tenancy Strategy 2024
The Council is currently reviewing its Tenancy Strategy. This sets out our expectations for social housing providers in the borough when granting tenancies, supporting tenants to manage their tenancies and deciding not to grant a further tenancy when one ends. Social housing providers includes the Council as well as housing associations/private registered providers in the borough. Social housing providers must consider the Tenancy Strategy when setting their own Tenancy... MoreOpened 18 January 2024 -
February 2024 parking changes
This consultation seeks views on various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough in the following streets: Alma Place, Ashburn Place, Basil Street, Bolton Gardens, Bramham Gardens, Callow Street, Cambridge Gardens, Cheyne Gardens, Clarendon Road, Colville Road, Courtfield Road, Cromwell Crescent, Donne Place, Draycott Avenue, Dulford Street, Elm Park Gardens, Elsham Road, Fawcett Street, Fernshaw Road, Finborough Road, Grenfell Road, Harrington... MoreOpened 31 January 2024 -
February 24 Housing Parking Changes
This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within 375 Portobello Road and Elm Park Gardens Central housing estates. MoreOpened 31 January 2024 -
Citizens' Panel - Making the borough safer 2024
You have consistently told us that community safety is one of your top priorities and we have sought your views on making the borough safer since 2021. We are doing so again to continue to build up evidence over time about your experiences of crime and antisocial behaviour. This is vital in measuring progress against the current Community Safety Plan and action plans and for the strategic planning of the Community Safety Team . Your feedback is also vital in informing the team's work... MoreOpened 5 February 2024 -
Beauchamp Place Streetscape Improvements
Beauchamp Place is an iconic street in the heart of Knightsbridge, historically known for its fashion boutiques and antique shops. However, local business have told the Council that the experience of the street is currently compromised by large volumes of traffic, uneven pavement and road surfaces, and street clutter. Together, we have created a series of interventions that would give the local community and visitors a high-quality space to enjoy and provide a... MoreOpened 12 February 2024 -
London Wood Burning Project 2024
Kensington and Chelsea Council is part of the London Wood Burning Group which received funding from Defra to investigate the effect that wood burning has on indoor and ambient air quality. In late 2022, Opinium, on behalf of the Wood Burning Group, launched a survey to learn how residents planned to heat their homes during the winter of 2022/2023. The survey had 17 questions, and it was trying to measure attitudes and behaviours around wood and solid fuel burning and asked about... MoreOpened 13 February 2024 -
e-Bike Rental Parking Bays 2024
The Council are looking to expand the borough wide network of parking spaces for e-bike rental cycles. Dockless hire cycles are a convenient alternative to public transport or driving and their ability to be parked flexibly has shown huge usage demand already in Kensington and Chelsea. The Lead Member for Planning and Public Realm has requested that we provide dedicated parking bays to help us ensure that bikes can be parked in controlled locations, minimising impact on residents and to... MoreOpened 6 March 2024 -
Eardley Crescent Banned Left Turn
This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of a ban on vehicles (except cycles) travelling eastbound along Old Brompton Road turning left into Eardley Crescent. The Order, which prevents all vehicles except pedal cycles travelling eastward on Old Brompton Road from turning left into Eardley Crescent, is to improve the safety of the junction and to prevent motorised vehicles from using Eardley Crescent as a cut through to Warwick Road. MoreOpened 6 March 2024 -
Rental e-Bike Cycle Parking Bays (2024)
Rental e-bikes have become a regular sight on borough streets and can be a convenient alternative to public transport or driving. The number of trips made by rental e-bikes has increased greatly in Kensington and Chelsea over the last few years. We recognise that parking of rental e-bikes on narrow footways can cause a nuisance to residents, particularly where the footway is obstructed for those using wheelchairs or buggies. In September 2023, we implemented a number of designated e-bike... MoreOpened 6 March 2024 -
Cresswell Gardens Banned Right Turn
This consultation seeks views on the proposed introduction of a ban on vehicles (except cycles) travelling eastbound along Old Brompton Road turning right into Cresswell Gardens. The Order, which prevents all vehicles except pedal cycles travelling eastward on Old Brompton Road from turning right into Creswell Gardens has been requested by local residents to prevent motorised vehicles from using Creswell Gardens as a cut through to Priory Walk and Drayton Gardens. MoreOpened 13 March 2024 -
Kensington Park Road - one way
This consultation seeks views on the proposal to remove the pedestrian and cycle zone in that part of Kensington Park Road that lies between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent and to provide a south-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Kensington Park Road, between Blenheim Crescent and Elgin Crescent, with an accompanying ‘compulsory right turn except cycles’ from Kensington Park Mews into Kensington Park Road. The Order is... MoreOpened 13 March 2024 -
Evening time economy
The Council has commissioned consultants Night Time Economy Solutions LTD, to collect early research on life in the borough between the hours of 6pm and 6am. We want to ensure that our borough is safe and works well for everyone, so we are building an understanding of current activities. The survey will help us understand more about how residents, businesses and public services including employees and emergency workers; as well as visitors who enjoy our hospitality... MoreOpened 27 March 2024 -
Housing Needs Customer Satisfaction Survey
The Housing Service is keen to hear your feedback on using our services. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this survey. This survey will: Help us better understand residents’ experiences when contacting us online, by telephone, in person or by letter. Help us better understand residents’ ability to use our online services and any barriers, which will inform our policies and how we support residents to use these services. ... MoreOpened 11 April 2024 -
Lexham Gardens - Proposed sinusoidal road hump traffic calming
Please read the following information carefully before filling in our consultation survey below. Following a successful application for Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funding by a resident of Lexham Gardens, to introduce traffic calming in Lexham Gardens (western, eastern and south eastern arms), the Council is now seeking the views of local residents on the proposals. A portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is to be spent... MoreOpened 11 May 2024 -
Notting Hill Gate draft action plan
Fill in this feedback form to help shape the future of Notting Hill Gate. Council officers and community members have been working together to create a vision, objectives, and a list of viable interventions to improve the high street since late 2022. The result is this draft action plan . Please make sure you have read the document before responding to the consultation. You have until 23 June 2024 to have your say. MoreOpened 13 May 2024 -
Westfield Park Improvements
Located between Lots Road and Uverdale Road in Chelsea, this is one of the borough’s newest parks, created in 1981 on top of a Second World War bombsite. This park is a well-used community resource and caters for a wide range of park users. The park contains lawns, plenty mature trees, shrubs and flowerbeds, as well as a children’s play area and public toilets. Last year Kensington and Chelsea consulted with the local community about potential improvements to Westfield Park.... MoreOpened 13 May 2024 -
Housing Management Repairs Policy
The Repairs Policy is up for review as the current version was published in 2019 and needs a refresh. Kensington and Chelsea Council have made some changes which are summarised below. We would like to ask our tenants and leaseholders to give their opinion on the changes and suggest their own via the survey so we can further improve the policy. The Repairs Policy outlines Council, tenant and leaseholder responsibilities, it mainly focuses on the responsive repairs service but... MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
Housing Management - Repairs and Damp and Mould Policy Consultations
Kensington and Chelsea Council's Housing Management Department is consulting on a refreshed Repairs Policy and a new Damp and Mould Policy. The department wants to hear from both tenants and leaseholders to see if the changes are welcomed and if other changes need to be made. Links to the individual surveys can be found at the bottom of this page so that you can make your voice heard. MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
Housing Management Damp and Mould Policy
The Council is introducing an improved approach to dealing with damp and mould in residents’ homes. We know that damp and mould issues in the home can seriously impact residents’ health, well-being and the condition of their homes. The Council therefore wants to take a zero-tolerance approach towards damp and mould and do everything reasonably possible to ensure that residents are safe and healthy at home. The policy outlines different types of damp in the home that can be... MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
June 2024 Parking Changes
We would like to know your views on the proposed parking amendments listed below to inform our decision-making process and ensure your views are considered. Addison Road, Allen Street, Alma Place, Ashburn Place, Basil Street, Beaufort Street, Bevington Road, Blenheim Crescent, Bonchurch Road, Brewster Gardens, Brompton Road, Brunswick Gardens, Burnaby Street, Cadogan Gardens, Cadogan Square, Callow Street, Cambridge Gardens, Campden Grove, Cathcart Road, Cavaye Place, Chepstow Villas,... MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
June 24 Housing Parking Changes
This consultation seeks views on proposals to make changes to the parking layout within 375 Portobello Road, Henry Dickens Court, Longlands Court, Portobello Court and Tor Court housing estates and the World's End Estate Underground Car Park. MoreOpened 22 May 2024
374 results.
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