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372 results

  • Changes to the Busking and Street Entertainment Public Space Protection Orders

    In July 2019 Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) were introduced in certain areas of Kensington and Chelsea to address the detrimental impact some performances where having on residents and local businesses. The PSPOs have reduced busking complaints by 54 per cent in the first three months (July to Oct 2019) and between July and February by 15.5 per cent, compared to the same period in 2018/19. A six-month review of the PSPOs was undertaken to review the effectiveness of the PSPOs... More
    Opened 13 November 2020
  • Shaping our next Budget 2021/22

    The draft Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) was presented to Leadership Team on Wednesday 11 November 2020 including details of key saving and investment proposals. The MTFS provides the financial framework underpinning delivery of the Council’s priorities. The Council has a budget pressure of £45.9m over the next three years driven by projected increases in demand for services such as housing and social care, changing economic conditions, and a much greater reliance on... More
    Opened 13 November 2020
  • Experimental introduction of borough-wide 20 m.p.h. speed limits

    The Council is imposing a speed limit of 20 miles per hour (mph) in the roads or lengths of roads listed in the Schedule to this Notice (excluding any length that is Greater London Authority side road). This includes all publicly maintained roads within the borough and certain lengths of boundary roads that are shared in part with the City of Westminster, excluding any lengths of roads that are part of the Transport for London (TfL) Road Network, which are subject to speed limits set by TfL... More
    Opened 13 November 2020
  • Royal Brompton Hospital - Draft Supplementary Planning Document

    The Council is undertaking a consultation on the Royal Brompton Hospital draft supplementary planning document (SPD). The SPD seeks to demonstrate how medical uses can be viably retained and enhanced on the Royal Brompton Hospital site. This is a draft document and we want to hear your views on the content. The Council is consulting on the SPD for six weeks, from 18 November to 30 December 2020. Hard copies can be made available, on request, for those who are digitally... More
    Opened 18 November 2020
  • School Street - Fox and Hawkesdown Primary Schools

    A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable modes of travel and to keep their... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • School Street - All Saints Catholic College

    A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable modes of travel and to keep... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • School Street - Holy Trinity C of E Primary

    A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable modes of travel and to keep... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • School Street - Marlborough Primary School

    A School Street is a road, or section of road, outside a school that becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone during the school's opening and closing times. These timed road closures aim to reduce congestion and poor air quality directly outside school gates by preventing parents' vehicles from accessing the road to drop off or collect children. Additionally, they make the area outside the school safer and can make it easier for families to choose more sustainable modes of travel and to keep... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Lexham Mews – Experimental provision of one-way system

    A one way system is being put in place on an experimental basis to provide a one-way system throughout Lexham Mews, requiring all vehicles except for pedal cycles to proceed in the direction leading from Lexham Gardens to Radley Mews (this will involve providing a no entry into Lexham Mews at its junction with Radley Mews for all vehicles except pedal cycles and banning the right turn from Radley Mews (north to south arm) into Lexham Mews for all vehicles except pedal cycles). More
    Opened 25 November 2020
  • New Homes Delivery Programme - Silchester Arches

    The New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP) has identified a site by Silchester Road as a potential area to help deliver new homes for the borough. This site, currently called Silchester Arches, will form part of ‘Stage 2’ of the New Homes Programme. We are consulting residents, local businesses and organisations about the proposals. More
    Opened 26 November 2020
  • New Homes Delivery Programme - Barlby Road

    The New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP) has identified a site by Barlby Road as a potential area to help deliver new homes for the borough. This site, currently called Barlby Road, will form part of ‘Stage 2’ of the New Homes Programme. We are consulting residents, local businesses and organisations about the proposals. More
    Opened 26 November 2020
  • Help the Lancaster West estate go carbon neutral

    The Lancaster West Neighbourhood Team want to help get the estate closer to the goal of becoming carbon neutral (sometimes called or net zero carbon). When we say 'carbon neutral' or ‘net zero carbon’, we mean we're creating a balance in the amount of carbon emitted and the amount of carbon offset from a building or something we do (say cooking, having a shower). Too much carbon in the atmosphere makes the earth get warmer and causes climate change. In practice, it means... More
    Opened 27 November 2020
  • Registrars - Ceremonies service

    Our Registration Services team, which carry out marriage and civil partnerships ceremonies, is looking to hear from couples about their expectations for their special day and their experiences of our ceremonies service as part of a new survey. Those who submit their contact information with their survey response will also be in with a chance to win a £100 discount on a future ceremony. If you have already had your ceremony with us you could win a £100 refund. We want to hear your... More
    Opened 2 December 2020
  • Spear Mews – no motor vehicles restriction near junction with Earl’s Court Road and removal of one-way system and associated ‘No Entry’

    T he general effect of the Order would be to prohibit motor vehicles from entering the length of Spear Mews adjacent to 190 and 192 Earl’s Court Road (emergency service vehicles would be exempt from this restriction) and to revoke the existing one-way system in the length of Spear Mews specified previously, along with the associated prohibition of entry. More
    Opened 9 December 2020
  • Draft Housing Management Resident Involvement Strategy

    I n Housing, as we develop our policies and strategies, we would like to gain the views of residents and shape our services together. We routinely consult on these so whenever we hold a consultation exercise, you can have your say and tell us what you think. We will use your comments to help us shape our proposals and make recommendations for how we can work together with you to deliver services which are designed to meet your needs. More
    Opened 16 December 2020
  • Resident parking permit structure traffic order change consultation

    A recommendation from the approved Key Decision Report “ Review of Resident Parking Permit Structure " was that the Council’s traffic order should be amended to reflect the new resident parking permit charging structure which will be effective from 1 April 2021. This consultation is the traffic order consultation associated with that change. More
    Opened 16 December 2020
  • Community Safety Discussion Groups - Register of Interest

    The Safer Kensington and Chelsea Partnership would like your help to find out what are the most important crime and community safety issues affecting residents and businesses in our borough. Through a series of virtual workshops, members of the Community Safety Team would like to meet with residents and business owners of Kensington and Chelsea to discuss local crime and antisocial behaviour issues and how it affects their lives and businesses. More
    Opened 8 January 2021
  • Proposed Transformation of Kensal Library

    Thank you for taking part in our Kensal Library Transformation Survey. The Libraries and Archives Service at Kensington and Chelsea is taking steps to improve and develop its offer, with a focus on the usage of Kensal Library. The Council is now beginning the conversation with local people and users of Kensal Library to hear their views on how the library could be improved, specifically around how a local community or voluntary group could partner with the Council to expand the offer... More
    Opened 11 January 2021
  • Draft Greening Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation

    The Council published a Draft Greening SPD for a six-week consultation, from 12 January to 23 February 2021. More
    Opened 12 January 2021
  • Experimental Closure of part of Elystan Street to all motor vehicles except motorcycles

    The general effect of the Orders will be on an experimental basis to: Prevent all motor vehicles, other than motorcycles, from entering the length of Elystan Street that lies between the south-eastern kerb-line of Whitehead’s Grove and the north-western kerb-line of Elystan Place Suspend the permit parking place on the north-east side of Elystan Street, in the length of street specified above Provide ‘at any time’ waiting restrictions in Elystan... More
    Opened 13 January 2021
  • Draft Rent Income and Arrears Policy

    We have written a draft rent income and arrears policy and want to hear your views about it. The draft policy will guide how the Council approaches rent collection and responds to rent arrears. The interventions and actions in this draft policy include: providing a holistic service to those having genuine difficulty paying their rent acting early and using preventative measures to assist tenants... More
    Opened 18 January 2021
  • Little Wormwood Scrubs - Outdoor Gym and Toddler Area Refurbishment

    The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea wants to know your views regarding the current outdoor gym equipment and toddler playground within Little Wormwood Scrubs. The current outdoor gym equipment is coming to the end of its life span and therefore needs to be replaced, along with the need to refurbish the toddler playground. More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • Tree planting in Harcourt Terrace

    A local ward Councillor has requested that t he Council plant four new trees in Harcourt Terrace to aid carbon reduction and add to the appearance of the street with increased greenery. This would require small build outs into the carriageway to accommodate tree pits, and the loss of some residents’ parking space, equivalent to parking for two and a half cars. More
    Opened 27 January 2021
  • Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Public Consultation

    Since the Grenfell tragedy, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has commissioned emotional health and wellbeing support services for the wider community in North Kensington for children and young people in schools and community-based centres, offering a range of activities and therapy, including counselling, art therapy, play therapy, and group therapy . We are now two years into the Council’s five-year Grenfell Recovery Strategy and the Council is keen to build... More
    Opened 27 January 2021
  • Adults' Emotional Health and Wellbeing Public Consultation

    Since the Grenfell tragedy, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has commissioned a range of community based emotional health and wellbeing support services in North Kensington from the voluntary sector for adults. These have included those under the ‘Together for Grenfell’ umbrella of providers offering 1:1 and group counselling and wellbeing support for adults . The aims of the Together for Grenfell project is to support isolated community members whose... More
    Opened 1 February 2021
  • New Homes Delivery Programme - Edenham Round 2

    The Council is delivering 600 new homes including a minimum of 300 social rent homes, alongside open market homes to rent and other community and employment facilities as part of its New Homes Delivery Programme (NHDP). All of these new homes will be developed on sites owned by the Council. We have also committed to building all the new homes without the loss of any existing homes. We have consulted on the first four sites in Phase 1 of our NHDP and they have now... More
    Opened 9 February 2021
  • Miscellaneous Parking Amendments - February 2021

    This consultation relates to various proposed changes to parking, waiting and loading restrictions across the borough. More
    Opened 10 February 2021
  • Off-street Parking Amendment (Henry Dickens Court Estate)

    Proposed conversion of a Kensington and Chelsea Council Housing Resident Permit Holder's Bay (number 23) to a Kensington and Chelsea Council Housing Personalised Disabled Bay (HDC07) in the Henry Dickens Court Housing Estate. More
    Opened 10 February 2021
  • Proposed one-way in part of Bonchurch Rd and No Motor Vehicles restriction in Munro Mews from Bonchurch Rd

    This consultation relates to a p roposed one-way system in part of Bonchurch Road and associated ‘No Entry’ into Bonchurch Road from Wornington Road and No Motor Vehicles restriction in Munro Mews at its junction with Bonchurch Road. The proposals would: P rovide a north-eastbound one-way system applying to all vehicles except pedal cycles in Bonchurch Road, between Portobello Road and Wornington Road, with an accompanying ‘no entry’ restriction into Bonchurch Road... More
    Opened 10 February 2021
  • Community Safety Plan

    The Safer Kensington and Chelsea Partnership would like your help to find out what are the most important crime and community safety issues affecting residents and businesses in our borough. This survey is an opportunity to tell us how resources from agencies across a range of statutory services, including Police, Council, The National Probation Service, and Health services - should be used to make the borough a safer place to live, work and learn. As a result of this... More
    Opened 11 February 2021
372 results. Page 2 of 13